Future of Dodge Viper


Full Access Member
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
South China, ME
Has anyone seen an official press release from Chrysler that the 2009 Viper will be the last?

I did read somewhere that Chrysler has put the brand up for sale, asking price $10M and that a local (Detroit) start-up car company has made an offer of $5M, which includes the Viper factory.
We were talking cars today at the golf course, and one of the guys said that the Viper plant had started producing cars again.:dontknow:
I've heard that too !!! It was the first plant to fire back up after the sale to Fiat !! :dontknow: :dontknow:
It is making cars. I haven't seen anywhere that it is done. Last I knew was that fiat was going to take over control of it at the end of there deal
Not true. The Viper plant is up and running again and no plans to discontinue it have been announced.
Of course the Viper plant started up first...Chrysler intends to sell the Viper and it would be hard to sell an idle plant....no facts just a IMO of course..
Ive heard through numerous places that 2011 was the end of production for the viper.

No new models and such.

That makes 19 years. May as well produce one last SUPER VIPER and call it quits after a golden20.

Automotive news had an article a couple of weeks ago that stated Chrysler did have a 35 million dollar offer for the Viper plant. Chrysler reported to congress it only had offers of less than 10 million. The article stated that Fiat would not let Chrysler sell the viper plant off. Fiat did not want to have another super car to compete with it Ferrari and maserati lines. It intended to get chrysler and shut the viper production down.
That is what I had heard. The asking price was $10M and they only had received 1 bid for $5M from a local start-up in Troy, MI.