--//Give-away #2 - Who's it going to be?!?! This Wednesday....\\--


Active Member
May 17, 2006
Reaction score
San Diego,Ca
Ok Ladies..here is is again. Its that time that the VTCOA gets in the spirit.

So how does it work?? The Viper Truck Club of America will be giving away random prizes at random times to supporting members. A member number will be selected using a computer generated random number program.

The member is automatically disqualified if the following:

- The member is not an active member (has not logged in, in over 8 months)
- The member is not an active supporting member (does not have a red star) Become one by clicking Here
- The member does not respond to "winning" Email / Post within 7 days, at which a new random member number will be selected.

Ok, so now your probably wondering what Giveaway #2 is going to be...so here it is:

With all the talk about the BP oil spill, we thought it would be a good time to help out the environment with any oil spills of our own.

The Viper Truck Clumb of America is giving away a set of JTSVP Stainless Steel oil lines.

Replace those leaky oil lines, with a lifetime warranty Stainless lines. What can be better then that right?? How about knowing these are a 1-off custom VTCOA set, that only the winner of this contest will get. They will be blue with black caps fittings, and blue adapters.

Here is some specs:

The only difference is you dont pay a DIME..thats right ZERO, ZIP. And just like all of our contests, we cover the shipping right to your door.

The RGN (random generated number) will be drawn this Wednesday 7/28/2010 night @ 7:00 PST. This is another way we like to say thanks for supporting the VTCOA, and keeping this place going.

so when will giveaway #3 happen???...no on knows bwahah
Just ship them to me now. They'rwe already mine. :D
:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

i could up date mine for sure:congrats: :congrats: :congrats:
Sweet! Definitely something i want to add to my truck!
Thanks for doing this patrick!
I just bought the power steering line but didn't want to fork out the cash for the oil lines....that means I was destined to win this giveaway....I want to thank my mom, Tony, VTCOA and everyone else for making this happen!!
Yea Tony you can just throw them in one of my boxes you already have ready for me!
RedSrt007 said:
Ok Ladies..here is is again. Its that time that the VTCOA gets in the spirit.

So how does it work?? The Viper Truck Club of America will be giving away random prizes at random times to supporting members. A member number will be selected using a computer generated random number program.

The member is automatically disqualified if the following:

- The member is not an active member (has not logged in, in over 8 months)
- The member is not an active supporting member (does not have a red star) Become one by clicking Here
- The member does not respond to "winning" Email / Post within 7 days, at which a new random member number will be selected.

Ok, so now your probably wondering what Giveaway #2 is going to be...so here it is:

With all the talk about the BP oil spill, we thought it would be a good time to help out the environment with any oil spills of our own.

The Viper Truck Clumb of America is giving away a set of JTSVP Stainless Steel oil lines.

Replace those leaky oil lines, with a lifetime warranty Stainless lines. What can be better then that right?? How about knowing these are a 1-off custom VTCOA set, that only the winner of this contest will get. They will be blue with black caps fittings, and blue adapters.

Here is some specs:

The only difference is you dont pay a DIME..thats right ZERO, ZIP. And just like all of our contests, we cover the shipping right to your door.

The RGN (random generated number) will be drawn this Wednesday 7/28/2010 night @ 7:00 PST. This is another way we like to say thanks for supporting the VTCOA, and keeping this place going.

so when will giveaway #3 happen???...no on knows bwahah
stink you know my shipping address i will be waiting for them :)