Good Day


New Member
Supporting Member
Jun 11, 2007
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Lancaster, Calif
A couple weeks ago, the local Dodge Dealer called and asked me what I would be doing today. I said not much. so he asked me to have my truck at the local fairgrounds for a news conference.

They are getting ready to hold the Ram Series Rodeo, today they are making a commercial for it and he wants my truck in the commercial. Really surprised me that he wants my truck there instead of one of the new Rams, but I'm not saying no.

By the way, had the truck detailed yesterday, the guy who did it used Jackass Wax, the truck looks so damn nice, that wax is awesome, leaves a fininh like I've never seen on the truck. Well, off to make my truck a star, l8er
:rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock: Awesome !
The city was there filming the entire thing, they are going to give me a copy after they get it edited, the local cable channel was also there filming and the newspaper took a ton of photos of the truck. Was a fun morning. they had a new Ram there and we were parked tailgate to tailgate and the center of attention was the Red Truck. The Dodge Dealer said my truck was now famous here in the desert.
Very Nice!!!