gotta love environmentalists

In order to completely answer your question, I'd like to qualify the question:

Please, define "am I an asshole".............

Normally, I'd just respond, "Sure you are... Everyone has alotta asshole in 'em..... It's permanently engrained in human DNA" ....Besides, it's how you manage the "asshole within" that determines human quality. And even that is subjective.

If you are simply, as Roy has said, asking if you're an environmental rapist because you drive an SRT-10, I'd say no. However, the fact that Roy responded in that way may put me in a quandry for the balance of the afternoon....

Kudos to you both..... and good morning to all...........

redice2 said:
ahh i just come from the land of ass holes NY lol

Every city has it's fair share.... The Big Apple's AQ (asshole quotient) is no higher than anywhere else.

RedSrt007 said:
Mine says "MY HYBRD" ....oh well....

lol, I was about to say put "Hybrid" emblem on it! Hey, if you have meth injection you are legal!
This thread is funny!!!:rofl::rofl:

Love the license plate!!!:rofl::rofl: Hilarious!!!!
TheSickness said:
No we got our share up and down the left coast as well.......Washington alone houses some of the hugest Assholes on the planet :D :p

Excuse me?!!! Sir, I am not an asshole just because I live in Washington. I am an asshole because I grew up in California!! LOL. But as prof said, I will be glad to kill off some germs for the cause!!
The more gas I burn, the less there is to sell to our enemies. I am doing my patriotic duties. I think the people leaving the notes are assholes. I don't leave notes on their cars telling them what I think of them.

You know what the funny thing is about those "environmentalists"? They will criticize you for driving a truck that gets 10MPG, but their car is some POS coated in anti-American bumper stickers and enviro-crap that is puking black smoke as it barely makes it down the road. I can't tell you how many of those I see around here. If they spent as much time actually being productive, they might be able to afford a car that doesn't pollute. Next time some criticizes you, ask them why they aren't walking to work (if they even have a job) or riding a bike if they are so concerned?

I like clean air and water as much as the next guy. I do not like seeing littered highways or parks. I recycle everything I can on trash day. However, I can't stand listening to morons tell me how I should live when they can't even practice what they are preaching.

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Muzzy said:
The more gas I burn, the less there is to sell to our enemies. I am doing my patriotic duties. I think the people leaving the notes are assholes. I don't leave notes on their cars telling them what I think of them.

You know what the funny thing is about those "environmentalists"? They will criticize you for driving a truck that gets 10MPG, but their car is some POS coated in anti-American bumper stickers and enviro-crap that is puking black smoke as it barely makes it down the road. I can't tell you how many of those I see around here. If they spent as much time actually being productive, they might be able to afford a car that does pollute. Next time some criticizes you, ask them why they aren't walking to work (if they even have a job) or riding a bike if they are so concerned?

I like clean air and water as much as the next guy. I do not like seeing littered highways or parks. I recycle everything I can on trash day. However, I can't stand listening to morons tell me how I should live when they can't even practice what they are preaching.


Here here Muzzy!!! Very well put!!
First of all, a Dodge Ram SRT-10 actually pollutes the environment less then a Chevy Cavalier! How you ask? Let me explain:

I have yet to come across an SRT-10 owner who drives their truck everyday, everywhere they go. These trucks are made for fun, not racking miles up on all day long. Who the hell wants to have 50k on their 06 Viper truck in 3 years? Most, if not all of us SRT-10 owners have other, more practical vehicles that we use for our everyday driving.

On the other end, a Cavalier owner drives his or her car everyday! That means that that Cavalier is polluting the earth MORE than ANY SRT-10 out there is any length of time.

And to chime in on the "asshole" debate in this thread, I got you all beat. Pittsburgh is definitely home to the largest population of assholes in the country.
sealalot said:
First of all, a Dodge Ram SRT-10 actually pollutes the environment less then a Chevy Cavalier! How you ask? Let me explain:

I have yet to come across an SRT-10 owner who drives their truck everyday, everywhere they go. These trucks are made for fun, not racking miles up on all day long. Who the hell wants to have 50k on their 06 Viper truck in 3 years? Most, if not all of us SRT-10 owners have other, more practical vehicles that we use for our everyday driving.

On the other end, a Cavalier owner drives his or her car everyday! That means that that Cavalier is polluting the earth MORE than ANY SRT-10 out there is any length of time.

And to chime in on the "asshole" debate in this thread, I got you all beat. Pittsburgh is definitely home to the largest population of assholes in the country.
Sorry man, but I'm gonna blow your theory to hell:
I drive my SRT-10 every day, everywhere I go.

I'll help you out though. Here....

SRT-10 owners are not ruining the environment; Hybrid owners are!

Less than 10,000 SRT-10 trucks were ever produced (but we'll round up for easy math).
Let's deduct test vehicles and those that are now out of service, say..1%.
That's leaves us with 9,900.
Of that, maybe 10% are daily drivers.
That's 990 SRT-10's on the road each and every day, worldwide.

Let's have a look at some Prius numbers...
- The Toyota Prius was one of their top selling models in 2006, with over 106,000 units being sold in 06 alone.
[Source: Toyoland News Report, Jan. 3, 2007]
- Designed and marketed as a commuter car, let's say that 90% of them are on the road each and every day.
- Let's be nice guys and give them the benefit of the carbon credit doubt and say that 50% of them run on voltage regularly.

That's almost 50,000 vehicles! Each day! More than FIFTY TIMES that of the SRT-10.
Also, that's only for ONE YEAR of Prius sales. According to the Wikipedia entry on the Prius, there are over ONE MILLION Prius vehicles on the road today!

Yes Lord Board-wearers, you're doing a fine job on the environment all by yourselves.

P.S.- The underground coal fires that are currently burning in the US, release more CO2 into the atmosphere in (1) day that we as drivers have released in over 100 years of the automobile.
Note: those are just the fires in the US; not elsewhere in the world.
Kevan said:

P.S.- The underground coal fires that are currently burning in the US, release more CO2 into the atmosphere in (1) day that we as drivers have released in over 100 years of the automobile.
Note: those are just the fires in the US; not elsewhere in the world.

Never heard of this before, Kevan.... Please, enlighten me. :dontknow: :confused:
A good friend of mine works for the U.S. Govt. and is fairly "green" himself. In his quest to bypass all the BS and hype regarding 'global warming'....ahem, excuse me....'climate change', he's come across some astounding facts and amazing information.

Here's another one:
The "Greenies" want us to use this certain type of lightbulb. It's super-efficent, and uses less energy than a standard filament-type bulb.
Sounds good, right?
I mean, I'd pay a few pennies more for a bulb that's more efficent.

Past the hype, we find some harsher realities:
- The new 'green' bulbs contain MERCURY!!! That's right- if you break a bulb, you'll need to call the local haz-mat team to come in and clean it up (though most of us remember playing with gobs of mercury in chemistry class...heh heh).
- These bulbs don't just grow on trees [damn that's a good one. LOL]. You guessed it: they're made in China!
If production increases to meet demands, more factories must be built. What do those factories run on? Yep- COAL.
- Check out the air pollutant standards in China vs. those here in the U.S. Do the Greenies really believe that air over China just stays there and only pollutes them?

There are a ton more. When my buddy gets his site up, I'll be sure to post a link here. It's fairly shocking.

I think I might get one of those engraved frames.
WAY more offensive than "I Melt Icebergs".
Pics to follow. :D
BigDave1970 said:
Excuse me?!!! Sir, I am not an asshole just because I live in Washington. I am an asshole because I grew up in California!! LOL. But as prof said, I will be glad to kill off some germs for the cause!!
Did this new guy just quote me :confused: This proves a couple points....One that you are an Asshole to the 5th power and you have lost your ever lovin mind............Bundy :p I will say one thing for Washington you guys have the very best in Serial Killers the nation has to offer :rock: Be proud :dontknow: The list is long and distinguished :elefant:
dude that is hilarious. i would have laughed.....heck im still laughing at your plate frame.
guinnessboy said:
had to take my license plate frame off this weekend, ive had it on for 3 weeks and i finally got tired of the notes left on my car that i was such a horrible person.

the license plate frame said " i melt icebergs"

am i an asshole or are they just being really really sensitive :rock:

Damn Socialists:mad: Its the piece of crap 20 year old subura's that are gross polluters that are causing Global warming. Not Our trucks:rock:

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