GTG at FstJacks Photos / video

Johns10 said:
It was awesome to finally meet Jack and to put some faces to forum names.

Nice to see that despite everything Jack is going through he can maintain a sense of humor...

...just glad he didn't really have the gun.

haha, very much so:p
:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock::congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:
:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: What a great forum and bunch here. You guys Rock :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: Looking good Jack:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
Johns10 said:
It was awesome to finally meet Jack and to put some faces to forum names.

Nice to see that despite everything Jack is going through he can maintain a sense of humor...

...just glad he didn't really have the gun.
Thanks for coming down John, It was a pleasure meeting you and your lady.
Brat said:
How about some names to faces in the picture.
OK, let me try this. If I mess any of them up blame the bloody marys heheh.

Left to Right

John (Johns10), Hank (Hankthetank), Patrick (Redsrt007), Jerry (Trainman), Bob (Ron's Dad), Ron (Cherry Performance), Riley (Smokey), Bob (OC Bob), John (JRSVIPER).

I think I got them all right ;)
Thanks for sharing the pics guys. It awesome seeing Jack already up and on his way to recovery.
The look on his face is classic when we walk through the door
probably scared the bejeeezus out of him.....i mean look at ya'll:afraid: :ahhhhh: :stupid: :hahaha:
VIPR PWR said:
:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: What a great forum and bunch here. You guys Rock :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: Looking good Jack:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
505'sFastestViper. said:
was that the entire length of the stay at jacks....??????

or did you guys really leave when he said everybody out??
He was just throwing us out of his den. We moved to the living room, but not for real long. Jack was hurting, but it was good seeing him if only for a little bit.
OCBob said:
He was just throwing us out of his den. We moved to the living room, but not for real long. Jack was hurting, but it was good seeing him if only for a little bit.
oh ok i was like that was quick lol!!
It was great to see some old friends and meet some newbies. It was a drive for some, I think trainman had 500 mile round trip. Although the time may have been short it was worth seeing you Jack. Get well soon.
This is Exactly what I mean when I refer to this as a Family !!!!!

We may fuss at each other every once in a while but the Love never goes away :)

Get Well Soon Jack, May God Keep You In The Palm of His Hand... You are in my Prayers.... :)
RedSrt007 said:
Well, here are some pics and a video of us meeting and going to Jacks house. He called me afterwards to say sorry (to everyone who came also) that he told us to leave so soon. He really was not feeing good :(

Thanks to those who drove good distances to show up, a total of 10 of us made it. It was such a blast meeting some new faces, and seeing some old-timers.

Last but not least, Thanks to Stinker for getting the GTG started, and organizing it. All I did was set a time and a place / host it; Tony was the main thanks/full credit to Stinker :rock:

Here is the full video, the look on his face is classic when we walk through the door :D :D


The Group....

Jacks favorite Snack - Thanks Hank for picking some up!

DUDE! I didn't get an invite?:confused: whats up with that.