Heading back to VA again


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May 19, 2006
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In a house surrounded by palm trees
:( There is no easy way to put this, but I am back on a plane Friday night to attend my mothers funeral. As many of you know she has been fighting her fourth cancer since April. Her time has come and she is now with my father. Its a bittersweet moment as I am happy she is not suffering anymore.....but I will miss her everyday. I am happy that neither of my parents had to be without each other for very long. They had 50 years of marriage together......the kind that is rare......totally honest, true and full of love. They really lived for each other.

My mom kicked my ass all through childhood..... wouldnt let me wear my hair long (which pissed me off) and always kept me in line. Bad behavior was not accepted. She made me tough and let me know I could do anything.......anything in life. She was awesome. Although I didnt think that many times as a kid, but now as an adult, I understand. I would raise my kids the same way!

Anyway, I felt I should share with you all. I dont mean to bring anybody down here, my apologies to you if I have. My family is Irish............so lets all raise a drink this weekend to my parents whom are reunited again!! They had a wonderful long life.......maybe not long enough in my eyes, but very fulfilling. You guys have a great week, not sure how often I will be able to log on.

aloha patrick
My condolences, Patrick.

Try to make the best of the trip. Time with family is oh so important.
My first beer tonight will be raised in a toast to your wonderful parents.

This is one of those bittersweet moments. You hate to lose a parent, or any loved one for that matter, but there is a time to let go. You do not want to see them suffer, or be unhappy.

So here is to your parents Patrick. Together on earth for 50 years. Now together in heaven for eternity. God bless them both.
God bless your family.
mauiSRT/10 said:
:( There is no easy way to put this, but I am back on a plane Friday night to attend my mothers funeral. As many of you know she has been fighting her fourth cancer since April. Her time has come and she is now with my father. Its a bittersweet moment as I am happy she is not suffering anymore.....but I will miss her everyday. I am happy that neither of my parents had to be without each other for very long. They had 50 years of marriage together......the kind that is rare......totally honest, true and full of love. They really lived for each other.

My mom kicked my ass all through childhood..... wouldnt let me wear my hair long (which pissed me off) and always kept me in line. Bad behavior was not accepted. She made me tough and let me know I could do anything.......anything in life. She was awesome. Although I didnt think that many times as a kid, but now as an adult, I understand. I would raise my kids the same way!

Anyway, I felt I should share with you all. I dont mean to bring anybody down here, my apologies to you if I have. My family is Irish............so lets all raise a drink this weekend to my parents whom are reunited again!! They had a wonderful long life.......maybe not long enough in my eyes, but very fulfilling. You guys have a great week, not sure how often I will be able to log on.

aloha patrick[/QUOTE/]

Sorry for your loss yet again Patrick....:(

I will definately be looking forward to hearing from you again....Be safe and once again, my condolences.

I will give a cheers for your folks!

You have my sincere condolences Patrick, sounds like she was a great mom ;)

Let me know if you are going to be in the area for awhile.

We are praying for your family and hope that peace finds you and your family.
mauiSRT/10 said:
:( There is no easy way to put this, but I am back on a plane Friday night to attend my mothers funeral. As many of you know she has been fighting her fourth cancer since April. Her time has come and she is now with my father. Its a bittersweet moment as I am happy she is not suffering anymore.....but I will miss her everyday. I am happy that neither of my parents had to be without each other for very long. They had 50 years of marriage together......the kind that is rare......totally honest, true and full of love. They really lived for each other.

My mom kicked my ass all through childhood..... wouldnt let me wear my hair long (which pissed me off) and always kept me in line. Bad behavior was not accepted. She made me tough and let me know I could do anything.......anything in life. She was awesome. Although I didnt think that many times as a kid, but now as an adult, I understand. I would raise my kids the same way!

Anyway, I felt I should share with you all. I dont mean to bring anybody down here, my apologies to you if I have. My family is Irish............so lets all raise a drink this weekend to my parents whom are reunited again!! They had a wonderful long life.......maybe not long enough in my eyes, but very fulfilling. You guys have a great week, not sure how often I will be able to log on.

aloha patrick

Sorry to hear of your loss, safe travels Patrick.... My condolences to you and your family.

On behalf of the whole Sickness Clan we are truly sorry for your loss. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Safe travels to you and your family.

Love The Sickness Clan
Patrick I know this is hard because you are both happy and sad. Try to focus on the happy part. Having tradded PM's with you over past year about this situation I think we both feel it was time. You mother is in a much better place. This year has been hard for you with both your parents and your cat. 2007 will be a better year. My thoughts are with you my friend.

Safest travels and sincerest condolences to you and your family Patrick. Your parents will live forever in your heart and in the way you raise your children.

With Deepest Sympathy,
The Browns
My sincere condolences Patrick. It has been a rough year for you, I truly hope that 2007 treats you much better. I am Irish as well, and will certainly raise my glass in a toast for both of your folks.

Death is nothing at all.
It does not count.
I have only slipped away into the next room.
Everything remains as it was.
The old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged.
Whatever we were to each other, that we are still.
Call me by the old familiar name.
Speak of me in the easy way which you always used.
Put no sorrow in your tone.
Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes that we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.
Let my name be ever the household word that it always was.
Let it be spoken without effort
Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was.
There is unbroken continuity.
Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
I am but waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just around the corner.
All is well. Nothing is hurt; nothing is lost.
One brief moment and all will be as it was before.
How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting, when we meet again.
You guys are all so awesome.......thank you. I knew posting this would make me feel better. Thankfully I am not flying through Chicago today!!! 400 flight cancelations due to the snow!!!!! What a mess!! I am flying the Southern route via Phoenix/Charlotte to Norfolk.

Sorry to hear the sad news Patrick. My thoughts and prayers are out to you and your family.
Sorry to hear about your mom.You will be in my thoughts.

"May the road always rise to meet you and the wind ever be at your back"
Patrick I'm very sorry for your loss bud. I hate to see good people such as yourself hurting. You have my sincerest condolences and if there is ANYTHING I can do, please do not hesitate to lean this way my friend.
Thanks guys you are all so nice. I got in Sat night.........completly wired ended up watching the HI Oregon State game on ESPN. It started at midnight.....Colt Brennan almost broke the single season TD record. He has thrown 53 TD's this year. One shy of the record. The team is really fun to watch as they use the run and shoot offense.


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