Health Care may Kill this Country

My wife works at a hospital here in Scottsdale, the price tag on everything for the PTs is sky high. Keep in mind, the hospitals will never see anything close to what they bill for. An example is my mom had to have her gull bladder removed a few months ago. The cost to her was $0, she had BCBS on a PPO. The hospital billed $54,000.00 and only saw $12,000.00 coming back to them. The whole system is screwed. Once you get that ID band on your wrist you are locked in. Everything you require during your stay is electronically scanned and automatically billed to your insurance. Towels, tooth paste, chap stick, and everything you can think of including shit you did not receive is scanned. Cost cutting is the most important issue in the hospitals. If any employee comes up with an idea for cutting cost and it is implemented, that's 5K in your pocket. Making health care a business is not ethical in my opinion. I wish the government used increased the number of military health professionals to treat the community by opening up centers across the country. I know they have allot on there hands now, but it would be a great way train new Drs and Nurses and when they are done with there service they will have a career right out of the gates.
If you want a read about the healthcare policy, then get this book, Understanding Health Policy by Thomas Bodenheimer and Kevin Grumbach. This was our assigned text in school when we were discussing healthcare, insurance, etc. They also have a web-site: Its really easy reading and very informative
Blacksnake said:
...Making health care a business is not ethical in my opinion. I wish the government used increased the number of military health professionals to treat the community by opening up centers across the country...

Nice post IMO.

I have been conducting a class via pm with several members here about the concept that health care is a right not a privilege. The advance of medical research and technology has given us the ability to increase the quality and quantity of life. To my way of thinking, putting a price tag on the cost of better health and longer life is just not appropriate. If the technology or resources exist to preserve a loved one's life how is it that we have moved to a point where only those with financial resources have access to it?

On the other side of the equation, those who disregard their own health and live in ways that jeopardize the quality of life or cause illness in themselves or others, need to be held accountable. i.e. Those of you who smoke, not only contribute to your declining health, you also are in part responsible for over 50,000 deaths a year among non-smokers who inhale your second-hand smoke...
Prof said:
Nice post IMO.

I have been conducting a class via pm with several members here about the concept that health care is a right not a privilege. The advance of medical research and technology has given us the ability to increase the quality and quantity of life. To my way of thinking, putting a price tag on the cost of better health and longer life is just not appropriate. If the technology or resources exist to preserve a loved one's life how is it that we have moved to a point where only those with financial resources have access to it?

On the other side of the equation, those who disregard their own health and live in ways that jeopardize the quality of life or cause illness in themselves or others, need to be held accountable. i.e. Those of you who smoke, not only contribute to your declining health, you also are in part responsible for over 50,000 deaths a year among non-smokers who inhale your second-hand smoke...

Does that mean Tim and his cigars have caused a mass genocide,:dontknow: ;) And then we have all those benzine, nitro abusers;)
Where will it end?
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Black1 said:


:D :D :D :D

I can see the headlines now...The infamous Sicilian Snorkel causes thousands of Duffers to fall dead in their tracks, lord help us stay safe from the scourge;)
includemeout said:
I can see the headlines now...The infamous Sicilian Snorkel causes thousands of Duffers to fall dead in their tracks, lord help us stay safe from the scourge;)
Too damn funny!:D

Yes Jerry you are right...and I smoke a cigar now and then too!
I think healthcare should be more biased. People who cant keep food out of their faces should have to pay more same as smokers. Maybe obese and smokers shouldnt get any medicaid. Why give it to someone who cant take care of themselves?
shade said:
I think healthcare should be more biased. People who cant keep food out of their faces should have to pay more same as smokers. Maybe obese and smokers shouldnt get any medicaid. Why give it to someone who cant take care of themselves?

What about someone that stuck a needle in their arm for half their life (narcotics, steroids, etc)? ..... What about homeless folks that dive dumpsters to find rotten half-eaten food to eat (they could go to a soup kitchen).... Or, maybe the mother that feeds her child baby formula from the dollar store and doesn't breast feed? Or perhaps all the folks shoving "Sugar Free", "Light", artificially sweetened, non-fattening, chemical laden DIET food down their gullets just to make them LOOK healthy? Then have all the digestive tract, colon, and other related health problems later....

If we took away all the people that did stupid shit, we wouldn't need health care at all. :dontknow: :eek: Personally, I think any government health care system is wrong.... it drives prices up ($15 aspirin and such).
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shade said:
I think healthcare should be more biased. People who cant keep food out of their faces should have to pay more same as smokers. Maybe obese and smokers shouldnt get any medicaid. Why give it to someone who cant take care of themselves?

Obesity and smoking are becoming major liabilities to corporations. There are many who are charging overweight people and smokers more for their health care. Some companies are making the move to not hiring smokers. Others are insisting that overweight people reduce their weight to retain their positions (that is in the courts right now) you are on track with the leading edge decision makers.
Black1 said:
What about someone that stuck a needle in their arm for half their life (narcotics, steroids, etc)? ..... What about homeless folks that dive dumpsters to find rotten half-eaten food to eat (they could go to a soup kitchen).... Or, maybe the mother that feeds her child baby formula from the dollar store and doesn't breast feed? Or perhaps all the folks shoving "Sugar Free", "Light", artificially sweetened, non-fattening, chemical laden DIET food down their gullets just to make them LOOK healthy? Then have all the digestive tract, colon, and other related health problems later....

If we took away all the people that did stupid shit, we wouldn't need health care at all. :dontknow: :eek: Personally, I think any government health care system is wrong.... it drives prices up ($15 aspirin and such).

Jake you may be correct if you are referring just to the US. But in every other tier 1 nation in the world...all of which have some level of government sponsored health care for all of its much less per capita for their annual health care expenditures.
Prof said:
Yes Jerry you are right...and I smoke a cigar now and then too!

LOL, Then we are both guilty as charged, but who cares we are both to damn old to worry about it.:D :D ;)

The one thing that perplexes me is the cancer gene, some have it , some do not. I know of many who have led the righteous life and died of cancer while many that have not live cancer/ disease free lives.

Maybe we should concentrate on the gene pool as the chemicals produced by the petro chemical companies seem to kill some and do not kill others.

I really believe Nothing should be produced until it can be recycled into something non deadly. Remember the ads about how good it is to live with chemicals??? Thank you Monsanto , Dupont, and the rest of the deadly crew.
Prof said:
Jake you may be correct if you are referring just to the US. But in every other tier 1 nation in the world...all of which have some level of government sponsored health care for all of its much less per capita for their annual health care expenditures.

How many "Tier 1 Nations" have as many people as we do? How much poverty and elderly? Do they support medical expenses for illegal aliens like we do? How high are their taxes? ........ :dontknow:
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Black1 said:
YES, YES, YES!!!! Spread the word on this, will you? :D .......... ;)

Ok, but we are going to have to grind up your vett for testing:D :p
Fiberglass is a known carcinogenic :eek:
Black1 said:
Would you accept half? The front clip is getting replaced anyway. :eek: :D

Sure, but stay close as we may need the rest of it for a real blind test just to make sure:D

BTW, send me that used clip I want to make a new wet bar and it would be perfect. What ya think :dontknow: :D