Hello All...looking to join the ranks!


Full Access Member
Nov 4, 2015
Reaction score
Hey fellas. As the title states, new to the forum, looking for an RC 10 currently. I wanted to get the opinion of some of you as to whether it would be worth it for me to take the trek 3.5 hours to see this truck:


I'm not necessarily thrilled with the carfax of it, but it is the only RC 10 in my price range. What say you all?

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Welcome to the VTCoA!
I agree is good time to buy ...but don't get in too much of hurry !
internet is great place to check out a few before you buy

try to decide what kind of truck is going to do what you want. that truck has the reg
cab and stick which means it will be faster ..but the quad cab has auto and can actually be used for second car, more functional
Welcome from California. The best trucks out there are on this forum. Take advantage!
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You shouldn't settle if it isn't what you're exactly wanting. I drive a QC everyday that I bought several months back. I shopped around and got mine for quite a bit less than the one your looking at. Also got with a local dealer an had it delivered. Just make sure you get what you want or have the money to make it what you want.
Thanks guys. It ended up not working out, I thought better of it. The search continues!

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Red R/C is fastest :rock: Good luck :D

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Take your time, a higher millage nice shape RC will come up for 20...Just check it over well, don't hesitate to ask a member to check it over.(we're all over the county).Just don't expect to just hop in and drive, these trucks need love.
Take your time, a higher millage nice shape RC will come up for 20...Just check it over well, don't hesitate to ask a member to check it over.(we're all over the county).Just don't expect to just hop in and drive, these trucks need love.

Yeah, I got lucky with Zilla, Connecticut to Nevada, 2650 miles, and wheel bearing failed as I pulled up to the house. If I had been going to LA I would have been screwed in the middle of the desert
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