Yeah it's sitting right on everyone over there, get out your water wings... she only went 60 miles in 7 hours :banghead:
Hang in there.
The weather here Bill is fine, hell I washed the truck last night. Don't think we have had any rain here at all...it was beautiful out last night..nice breeze..:dontknow: Mother Nature... she's a wild gal.;) :D
Turtle said:
Dennis, I hope your home is safe!

I think you should get away from the affects of Fay this weekend and join us at Earl's on Saturday :D :D :D

I'd have to bring a Pontoon Boat !!!:D
6pakattack said:
I'd have to bring a Pontoon Boat !!!:D
Jeez.. just sitting there, and it looks like it's going to sit there for 12 more hours...:( before she turns... that's a lot of rain.
6pakattack said:
I'd have to bring a Pontoon Boat !!!:D

Group buy on Pontoon boats???:dontknow:
Hang in there Dennis,Its looks pretty bad!!!!!!!!!
Call me when/if you get the time.
Tampa never gets hit...what a joke...I was hoping for one before I left the state, I know I am strange
I'd be willing to bet we are sitting on about 16" of rain so far !!!Last word the storm was moving at 3 mph !!!Man,if I only had an Ark !!!
Hey Dennis,
Whats all that yellow on the radar that I see over Melbourne,Did you wax your truck or what??????:dontknow: :dontknow:
Don't feel too bad people.. Houston and the entire Texas east coast is getting drenched and it will remain like that well into next week...
Sun is starting to come out here in s.w.fl.Still getting bands of rain from this slow ass storm.Had 9" of rain when it moved through this area.I guess I should feel lucky with what they are getting in the Melbourne/Port St.Lucie area.!! supposed to get wind and rain bands the rest of the week from this bitch named Fay! Go away Fay!!
Still raining in Houston.. Loud house shaking thunder woke me up frequently last night..
Still raining her in Orlando too.... been raining all night! And the storm is still parked right on top of Melbourne! Flood watches and warnings up all over the place!

Hope 6Pak et al are doing ok over there!

I gotta go to work...
Looking at the Doppler Radar I seems that rain clouds are over Florida and the Texas coast.. My lawn had ENOUGH!! It's literally a jungle out there..
NBT said:
Had to make sure this was not Chad... it is not...thank God. Fella is Banged up.
You be safe too bro... you will be getting the worst of it on the East coast.

Update on the kite guy . . .

Kite Surfer Injured During Fay Improves
Cristy Lenz, CNN
posted: 2 HOURS 45 MINUTES AGO
comments: 111
filed under: National NewsPrintShareText SizeAAA

MIAMI, Florida (Aug. 21) -- The condition of a kite-surfer thrown airborne into a Fort Lauderdale building by strong winds this week has improved, his mother said Wednesday.
Broward General Medical Center upgraded Kevin Kearney's condition from critical to serious Wednesday morning, said his mother, Alicia Paradise-Garza.
Monday's incident, which a television crew captured on video as Tropical Storm Fay approached Florida, left the 28-year-old Kearney with spinal fractures, brain swelling, a broken rib and a broken ankle, among other injuries.
Kearney was harnessed to a kite, or sail, along a Fort Lauderdale, Florida, beach when strong wind caught the kite, sending him into the air, WFOR-TV reported.
WFOR video shows Kearney rise into the air before slamming into the beach and being dragged for a brief time along the sand.
The kite then lifted into the air again, slamming him into a nearby building, WFOR reported.
Paradise-Garza said Wednesday her son is able to walk but has spent a lot of time sedated at the hospital so his injuries could be treated.
She said Kearney has no recollection of what happened, and that no one has yet shown him the footage of Monday's incident.
In a statement given to the news media the family said Kearney, a Fort Lauderdale resident, is an "experienced kite-boarder."
Kite-surfers stand on boards while winds catch their kites and move them across water. The video showed no board at Kearney's feet while he was airborne.

MY EYES!!!! THEY'RE BURNING!!!!!!!!!!!!


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