How do you keep the mileage low?

See I just dont get that. The whole "keep my truck out of the weather". I drive my shit rain/snow/sun and it still looks great. ANY car that looks good requires a great amount of elbow grease and sometimes power tools. My 10 simply wont fit in my garage, but thats ok. I take care of it. I hand wash it and wax it. I take a clay bar to it after every season. You have to treat your paint like its the first and last set of skin youre ever gonna get. Auto manufacturers take this into account. They know that modern cars will face the elements of nature, its YOUR job to protect it. Theres no need to pamper your truck, ITS A TRUCK. Just take care of it, and you'll be fine.

Trust me my truck is very well pampered regardless, truck or not.. .. but as much hail as we get. I don't want to deal with the dents.. I drive an hour to work and sometimes have to ho to conventions for a week at a time.. I can't judge what the unpredictable Midwest weather will do.. plus, I fear it could get stolen setting for long periods.. these try is tend to draw attention.

My favorite part of what you said, is it's a truck.. thank you!! Because, it's NOT A VIPER!!!!
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I am in san antonio, do you have pics of your truck? I have not seen any in SA?

I do have a picture of when I first brought my truck home.
Its is under my profile. Not sure how to link pictures in the forums yet.
You could always do like I did and start and build project and keep piling up the mods seems never ending. Its been down 18 months now but at the end when its finished it will be 100% built and finished and very few other trucks will be as moddded as mine.
Most people buy a truck like this to DRIVE IT! When the snow is too deep to play in with a 500hp, 2wd, fatass tired vehicle, it sits! I enjoy mine & will continue to do so. I have no intention of limiting my miles just so the odometer can read a lower number. You bought it to drive & enjoy, otherwise, take a picture, make a poster & hang on your wall!
I've owned my '05 for a year and it was my daily until last week (I put about 10k on top of the 42k it came with). I was afraid of a bad winter so I found and old POS GC and am using that while saving fuel and miles and winter abuse on my 10. Now, I've also got time to put the ud pulley and oil lines on it.

By the way, how often should I warm it up? Weekly?
My 05 had 4,300 miles on it when I bought it 2 years ago. It has 10,700 on it now. It sits in the garage all winter, but drive it in the summer alot when I'm not working. I drive an hour to work and the paint wouldn't like where I park, so I have a Jeep GC for work and winter. Also have a 600hp VW to drive in summer, so they take turns :)
Well lets see, 6 months out of the year it looks like this here.
Yes this is looking down my driveway, it is in their somewhere:


This is my daily drive for work and everything.


Then in the summer I have to find time to drive these also



So it just doesn't leave a lot of time. Yes I have less then 6000 on my 2005 and I love it :rock:
Most people buy a truck like this to DRIVE IT! When the snow is too deep to play in with a 500hp, 2wd, fatass tired vehicle, it sits! I enjoy mine & will continue to do so. I have no intention of limiting my miles just so the odometer can read a lower number. You bought it to drive & enjoy, otherwise, take a picture, make a poster & hang on your wall!

Good points, when I bought my SRT I actually didn't buy it to drive it regularly.. I bought it just because I wanted it.. I wanted it for car shows and sunny day weekend cruising and to tinker with it.. Vehicles are more a hobby to me than anything..
I enjoy driving mine but don't let it set just to "have a smaller number on the odometer" Much like mopar mudder I have choices of what I can drive.. and choose not to use my 10 for daily driving duty, simple as that, it's a choice..

Venom Truck, I was half asleep when I read your reply and replied back retarded.. I get what you mean about them being able to deal with rain, snow and whatever.. I agree, my personal situation is having a company vehicle and traveling like I do would mean my truck would have to set in an open parking lot unattended for sometimes a week at a time.. when I say weather Im talking about hail and shit like that.. not just rain.. I could care less about rain.. and trust me I know all too well the labors of detailing to keep them nice..
I have 4 vehicles I care for.. 2 trucks an SUV and my Jeep plus my company car so 5 total including that one..I spend WAY to much time caring for them..