How Much HP do Flames Add??

Really? I would do the Advance Auto Part stick on flames. They are so bad ass.

I would say something smart ass about you coming up from the south across a river and facial hair, based on your recently added self-portrait, but I will refrain and be PC on here :bandit:
I would say something smart ass about you coming up from the south across a river and facial hair, based on your recently added self-portrait, but I will refrain and be PC on here :bandit:

So basically youre too much of a pansy to say it? Gotcha. Thank god too, who knows how many nights of sleep I would have lost because you hurt my wittle feewings.
So basically youre too much of a pansy to say it? Gotcha. Thank god too, who knows how many nights of sleep I would have lost because you hurt my wittle feewings.

I didn't want the media to get ahold of my comments and black list me like Paula Deen
Paula Deen, never liked her anyway. People just started watching her cause she said "yall" a lot, and even that was fake.
Flame on the Front of our Trucks 500Hp. Now if you have them on the Back to, that's another 250Hp , LOL.
I have flames, I'm not slow, at least I enjoy my truck. Too many of you are afraid to modify or try new things. My flames are at the recommendation of my painter brother, they have grown on me. I run 11.561, so obviously I am not slow. Anybody want to race a gay ass flamed QC , I'm all ears Puto's. :D
I have flames, I'm not slow, at least I enjoy my truck. Too many of you are afraid to modify or try new things. My flames are at the recommendation of my painter brother, they have grown on me. I run 11.561, so obviously I am not slow. Anybody want to race a gay ass flamed QC , I'm all ears Puto's. :D

I second that!!! I to Have Flames on my Truck, Some People don't like them, but I do!! I didn't put them on there for other people to like i put them there cause i wanted them on there. When i go to the Track at the end of the Night there's quite a few Cars/Trucks the get Beat by this Flamed QC. :drool::drool:

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