How much $ would you ask for?


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Jan 26, 2010
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Miami, Fla
Guys I have an 06 motor from a qc srt10. While motor is complete except for valve covers and oil pan. Motor is good and not blown or anything. Has 39k miles on it before being pulled out of the truck. Truck was totaled in rear end collision. Had an offer a little while ago and was just wanting input on what one of you would take for it. Thanks
Saw one in a salvage yard with no valve covers or intake manifold/exhaust/TB and they were asking $5,000 for it.

The member on here with the silver drag srt-10 bought it. Might ask him.
I would say no less than 5 but I see the pic in your sig and that changes things.
I would say no less than 5 but I see the pic in your sig and that changes things.

No... This is not my forged motor. This is a spare that I have that I was gonna build incase mine blew but changed my mind cause I don't wanna spend 10-15k getting it forged. It's a totally stock motor.
That sounds fair. That's what I was more or less expecting but this guy really threw a lowball number at me and I was like no way. Thanks. This might get posted in the parts for sale section this week.
Yea dont take some Rick Harris offer. If he says, "let me call a buddy of mine" just throw him a middle finger and fart on his wifes face. 5 grand, thats it.
Look, in perfect condition, this would be worth $5K but this engine is NOT in perfect condition. The best I can do is $1K. Besides, there's just not a market for this kind of stuff. I mean, I have overhead. It will sit on my shelf for years, I'll have to get it cleaned up and forged.
Lol, smackdownsrt, sorry about past drama and stuff. Youre actually a pretty cool guy. Sucks you have to sell your 10 bro.
Been getting a lot of interest lately too. We'll see. Wanna buy this house a block from the bay, and rent it out, but the $300 a month land rent sucks.
Motor and transmission? Most ebay ads are around $8k for a complete motor/trans,PCM,wiring harness, and oil cooler.

I would say $3-4K is you want it gone in a reasonable amount of time.
Lol, smackdownsrt, sorry about past drama and stuff. Youre actually a pretty cool guy. Sucks you have to sell your 10 bro.

I was just thinking to myself " if this doesnt make venom truck laugh i dont know what will" Now we can all be friends. :rock:
Motor and transmission? Most ebay ads are around $8k for a complete motor/trans,PCM,wiring harness, and oil cooler.

I would say $3-4K is you want it gone in a reasonable amount of time.

This makes me feel better about owning my truck. I think I always have this scared panic feeling that if it blows up its going to be 30k to fix and I'd have a shiny lawn ornament.
I'll buy! Who wants to give me a hand cramming it into a Wrangler??? Lol I'm kidding, unless the 10 I put a deposit on falls through thanks to Mr. Banker. Then I might actually be serious, but the most I could do is $2,500. Depending on how long you want to sit on it I think 3-4K, 5 if it was perfect.