Yellow venom

Boosted Venom
Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2007
Reaction score
I was wondering on some remedies that you guys have tried that will stop the cats from going into the garage from the house, other then closing the door or shooting them! ( I have the house door open a lot and haven't gotten the heater installed yet)
Any suggestions on stuff that's been tried and how well it works??:p
Cats HATE having anything sticky on their feet. I had a cat that used to jump up on the kitchen counter. All I did to fix that was put pieces of masking tape with the sticky side up on the counter. When the little shit jumped up there and got that tape on his paws it drove him crazy. Only took a couple times and he never jumped up again. Not sure if that would work for you here. I also have a motion detecting water sprinkler that I used to keep them out of the yard, but probably not practical in the garage.
Get a dog.

Cats HATE having anything sticky on their feet. I had a cat that used to jump up on the kitchen counter. All I did to fix that was put pieces of masking tape with the sticky side up on the counter. When the little shit jumped up there and got that tape on his paws it drove him crazy. Only took a couple times and he never jumped up again. Not sure if that would work for you here. I also have a motion detecting water sprinkler that I used to keep them out of the yard, but probably not practical in the garage.

Thumbs up for a useful post.
Turn queer and you won't have to worry about pussy again:)
I'd be flagged by PETA if I posted my idea, I'll just pass on this one.
Shoot them??

That works to keep the coyotes away in this neck of the woods, so it ota work for cats as well.. LOL
Has anyone tried cayenne pepper?? I hung a bag of it under my hood of my truck and that kept them out from under the hood on the engine,I might just hang a bag by the door.
Has anyone tried cayenne pepper?? I hung a bag of it under my hood of my truck and that kept them out from under the hood on the engine,I might just hang a bag by the door.

Or put a box fan in the door and throw some into it when they go meet fan. Should work.

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Where did you buy the motion detecting water sprinkler system?? I'm getting tired of picking up cat shit in my front yard. The cat owners in Phoenix think the leash law is for dogs only. It will also keep the birds off when I reseed for a winter lawn. Thanks
Where did you buy the motion detecting water sprinkler system?? I'm getting tired of picking up cat shit in my front yard. The cat owners in Phoenix think the leash law is for dogs only. It will also keep the birds off when I reseed for a winter lawn. Thanks

Do a google search for scarecrow sprinkler
just marry her and you wont see Pussy again :D