how's Smoke


Full Access Member
May 22, 2006
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been gone a while and can't look through all the posts, did everything work out yet, God I hope so.......
QckSlvr said:
been gone a while and can't look through all the posts, did everything work out yet, God I hope so.......

Hey Jaime!!!! How are you doing? Things with me are, well hard to say. Good things are my house finally sold and I'm moving the family down next week. I haven't seen my wife since July and my kids since June. So it will be nice to all be together again. My wife and I function better with each other. We are both stressed, but we stay strong for each other. She is getting the worse of it. Having to move by herself is tough. All the little things add up. She needs to drain the oil and gas out of the lawn mower and weed eater. While not really a hard thing to do, it is for her. But you get the point.

For my case, it's moving along. Acutally It has consumed me this past week. I have watched hours of deposition over and over again. I have created so many documents and spread sheets that I feel like I should be billing my lawyer. This should all be over by the end of the year, so by X-mas life should be going well. If things work out in my favor. I feel good about it as I have the truth and evidence on my side. And those are 2 good things to have working for you. Once this is all over I will explain to everyone what happenend. Probably a little more then you wanted to know. But I just started typing and couldn't stop.

Thanks for the update..Good news on the house and the family moving down. Its great that you will finally be all together again.
As for the case, getting it over by the end of the year would sure be a nice xmas gift huh?..Hang in there, it'll all work out..
Keep your chin up Smoke.....Truth will prevail......I am glad to see your family coming together again......keep the faith.

God Bless! Hope all keeps working in your favor - and glad to hear you will soon be with your family again. I know all of us are still thinking about you.

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