Hydroxycut Users, Cease & Desist.

Nobody should be taking it anyway. It's crap ever since they stop putting ephedra in it. I was a maniac on the old stuff!! :burnout:
johnnybravo said:
Nobody should be taking it anyway. It's crap ever since they stop putting ephedra in it. I was a maniac on the old stuff!! :burnout:
The ephedra was killing people too. Caused an irregular or rapid heartbeat.
I think they found that the people that had problems with it shouldn't have been taking a stimulant in the first place or were just taking more than the recommended dose. I took it for about 3 years while I was playing footbball in college and never had any problems at all.
Some people bodies can tolerate it better than others. Kind of like some people can drink a lot and not get drunk and with others all it takes is waving it under their nose to get a buzz.

I've taken the stuff from time to time to help shed a few pounds.

I just thought that with the number of folks we have here that someone might be using the stuff. So I thought I would post the PSA in case they hadn't caught it on the news. Even if I save one persons life then I've done my job.
SilvrSRT10 said:
Some people bodies can tolerate it better than others. Kind of like some people can drink a lot and not get drunk and with others all it takes is waving it under their nose to get a buzz.

I've taken the stuff from time to time to help shed a few pounds.

I just thought that with the number of folks we have here that someone might be using the stuff. So I thought I would post the PSA in case they hadn't caught it on the news. Even if I save one persons life then I've done my job.

Sorry if it seemed like I was taking away from the message bro. Not my intent. I was mainly saying the stuff is pretty useless anyway.
There's no fountain of youth.... Only hard work and diet....

Unless yer into HGH.......... which has it's own hell to pay.....

andrew heywood said:
Diet is the most important, just look at the Yettie, without the RC and Snickers bars he'd be a 27 lb weakling ;) ;)
Try having a vegetarian for a spouse...it works wonders...I only sneak to McDonald's once or twice a month...it keeps me sane.
Prof said:
Try having a vegetarian for a spouse...it works wonders...I only sneak to McDonald's once or twice a month...it keeps me sane.
Roy, the veggies combos contain the mixtures of ingredients that make the poison :eek: death by toxic buildup, simple yet a truly diabolical plan !!

Best start a high protein diet to counteract the toxins,buck up ol boy:p get some big porterhouse stakes and consume them every night to ward off the evil veggies :D Then have a couple of snickers for desert for a booster against the toxins. Hurry before it is to late:rock: :rock:

Oh and drink plenty of RC cola to keep your system flushed out !!!!!!
Just sounds so logical...I may have to try it...do you think this health diet Christine has had me on for so long is her plot to do away with me?
mauiSRT/10 said:
So many people want to find the easy way out of being a fat ass. How about stop stuffing huge quantites down your pie hole! Just my opinion.

:D I love you man :rock: All the shit they come out with ends up killing peeps....There is no substitute for doing the work. In my day I would never touch any of that stuff.....Never did roids unless u count Billy's hemorrhoids lol. Exercise your elbow muscles and push away from the table or do the celery diet Billy is on to watch his girly figure:rock: it's done wonders for his GI Joe molded hair......that shit never moves. It's like a fury helmet :dontknow:
mauiSRT/10 said:
So many people want to find the easy way out of being a fat ass. How about stop stuffing huge quantites down your pie hole! Just my opinion.

That's what these diet aides help you to do. They are suppose to speed up your metabolism to burn calories and help you not feel hungry.

When you do decide to diet and exercise they help you to lose weight faster than diet and exercise alone. That is why they are so popular.

They are not a magic bullet for someone who's obese but for someone just looking to lose a few pounds quickly, they are a benefit.
SilvrSRT10 said:
That's what these diet aides help you to do. They are suppose to speed up your metabolism to burn calories and help you not feel hungry.

When you do decide to diet and exercise they help you to lose weight faster than diet and exercise alone. That is why they are so popular.

They are not a magic bullet for someone who's obese but for someone just looking to lose a few pounds quickly, they are a benefit.

I know. I am in the gym 5 to 6 times a week. I see too many people taking shit thinking its the answer when its not. There is no substitute for hard work and will power.

If I could manufacture a pill that grows your dick, hair on your head, burns fat and makes you tan I would be a billionaire........the female formula would grow the breasts.........pahleez, the general public is lazy thats why these products sell. The people in the best shape work their asses off for that body. Over the years I have seen people take everything steriods included. They get results at first but never fully continue on and they go back to where they were when they started. Lazy is a disease IMO......and lots of folks have it. Companies make billions off of lazy people too.

Prof said:
Just sounds so logical...I may have to try it...do you think this health diet Christine has had me on for so long is her plot to do away with me?
Could be.... broccoli, and soy ( among others) are known killers :eek:

You Need Meat:D :D :D :D :D

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