I don't miss Dom

Had not one issue with Dom! As a matter a fact he was nothing but helpful. Dude helps me out anytime i had/have questions....kinda childish to start a bashing thread on a guy that cant log in to defend himself....thats just my 2 cents
Had not one issue w..kinda childish to start a bashing thread on a guy that cant log in to defend himself....thats just my 2 cents
I never even talked to the guy but,In my short time here when a man is down most on this Site will kick the crap out of him even more. Need thick skin to hang
LOL. Think the drama is just a East coast thing hahahaahahahaha just playin guys

Now I'm really getting singled out here, American and on the East Coast. I don't like where this is going.....:mad: Kidding of course.
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