I f'ed up my hand arresting soe punk this morning!!

lbstone said:
First off, ouch!!! And to answer your question, he had a bigg puffy coat and saggy ass pants with untied Lugs boots. Lots of baggy shit to contend with. Plus when I jumped outta my car, my flashlight dropped so I had no light and wasn't gonna mess with trying to cuff him in the dark with his blood all over the place. I was escorting him as I held both of his hands behind his back, kinda like cuffs but he was so coked up he didn't know when to quite!! What was great was some random guy comes outta my house after I dropped him the second time after he was trying to stab me with his keys unsucessfully and said, "boy, are you stupid, your messing with third third strongest guy in the world". I politely corrected him and told him I was number 4!!

I am getting so tired of dealing with aholes like this guy and the guy who stole dangerlady22's grandparents gifts (btw, hot, hot, hot pic!!)!! I used to be a nice guy but the job has made me jaded. After 4 years, I trust noone and ended a 5 year, then a 2 1/2 year and then my most recent relationship because I cant trust anyone. Its not just the people lying and the scumbags you deal with, its the little things like finding a 30 something couple going at it in a parking lot. Innocent you may think but upon running the vehicle reg you find it registered to the guys wife and they are only a few blocks from the chicks house! Duhh, doesnt take a guniuess to figure that one out. That and all the domestic violence crap.


Lots of (the good) guys (like yourself) move over to the fire department..... It's heroic work and very satisfying without exposing yourself to the very worst (in human nature) that life has to offer....

As a former officer (with the heart of a poet) I understand how discouraging it can be... Many officers end up in psychological trouble as a result of the damage from the job....

We love you....Don't end up a casualty....

lbstone said:
I am getting so tired of dealing with aholes like this guy and the guy who stole dangerlady22's grandparents gifts (btw, hot, hot, hot pic!!)!! I used to be a nice guy but the job has made me jaded. After 4 years, I trust noone and ended a 5 year, then a 2 1/2 year and then my most recent relationship because I cant trust anyone. Its not just the people lying and the scumbags you deal with, its the little things like finding a 30 something couple going at it in a parking lot. Innocent you may think but upon running the vehicle reg you find it registered to the guys wife and they are only a few blocks from the chicks house! Duhh, doesnt take a guniuess to figure that one out. That and all the domestic violence crap.
This part sucks almost worse than the hand injury.

With all the nasty crap out there, you need to remember that you are one of the good guys. And that for every bad thing that you're a part of, there are 100 good things that you don't see happen.

You didn't hear it, but there were dozens of residents in the housing project that either said aloud or thought, "Thank god that cop took care of that assclown!". It sucks that you missed all that, but it did happen. I promise.

I know that trust is earned, but I'll let you know this: I trust ya.
I can understand if you don't trust me, and that's fine. I'm simply not dumb enough to screw you over or piss you off. :D
"You want my tater tots? Sure. Let me get you some ketchup..."

It's a mental thing now, and probably won't be easy to get past.
The more you talk about it- either with us clowns or a professional- the better off you will be.

My phone's on 24/7. PM me for the number (or you can get it from Jack).

Now get out there and eat some chickens! :D :D :D
lbstone said:
At about 12:40 this morning I got a call of an erratic driver in a parking lot of a low income housing project. When I got there I spotted the car in the bottom lot. As I drove toward the car, I saw the operator rev his motor the start accelerating toward my cruiser. I slammed on the brakes, and slid sideways because of the slick road (got about a foot of the white stuff on Thursday). My cruiser was now sideways blocking the operator from passing me. He tried anyways as he got stuck in a snow bank inches from hitting my cruiser. After he realized his lowered POS Honda couldn't make it in the snow around my car, he backed down to the lower lot and appeared to get ready to ram me. I was about to jump out and put down some stop strips, this kid looked like he was all f'ed up. After a few seconds, he backed a few feet into s parking spot and started running from me on foot. He didn't get very far with his baggy pants and untied boots. When I caught up with him, I grabbed hi coat as he "tried" to push me off him. He then ended up face first into some steps a few feet away. While face down on the steps, he was reaching for his waist band. Thinking he might have a possible gun or weapon, I got him with a few blows to his back before gaining control of his arms. He fought with me the entire time and while walking him to my cruiser, the Cavalry came screaming down the hill in the form of 5 more cruisers going balls out. This is when the kid began trying to stick me with his keys while I was "escorting" him to my car with his uncuffed hands behind his back. I then threw him to the ground and got him cufffed. This is when I felt a sharp pain in my thumb (my knee was a little soar too, but not bad). Another Officer helped me "escort" the kid to an awaiting cruiser. The rest of the night, my thumb was killing me. I couldn't use my right hand at all. My supervisor requested I go to the ER after I finished my report. Several hours later I go to the ER where they do several X-rays on my hand and knee. My knee is fine, just swollen, but the Dr. said he cant tell if I fractured a particular small bone in my hand. I forget what its called but it goes from my thumb to my palm. The Dr. said I also had some "abnormalities" that he wanted to look further into. One thing of concern was a piece of what appeared to be torn tendon in my thumb :dontknow:

Ohh, the kid was in the hospital all morning. I thing he has several chipped teeth and quite a bit of swelling to his face :dontknow:

Hope you turn out ok. It's such shame you had to go through that ordeal. People in general suck, this kid was a dumb ass, and that he hurt you is troublesome to say the least.

I have an ex-baltimore cop stock broker and he tells me all sorts of stories about the scum he had to deal with. When I heard the chipped teeth thing it reminded me of a story he told me about a curb, a scum bags teeth, and a foot on the back of the head. I completely forgot what he called the "move", but sounds like you got it down to a tee:)

I hope you have no long term effects from this. I hope you can compete at the arnold classic. Would be a shame if you couldn't.

Aw that sucks. Hand injuries are the WORST. I smashed my finger between the tailgate of a pickup truck and the handle of a Little Wonder push blower. It was the worst pain I've ever had in my life. My whole arm ached for days. Then my fingernail turned black and completely fell off. It was disgusting, and it took almost a year to grow back.

You guys really need Tasers. I thought all LEO's were carrying them by now. You could have saved yourself so much hassle and just zapped the shit out of him about 5 times. My cousin is a cop and he loves the Taser. The only shitty thing is that, according to him, every time you taze someone there's miles of paperwork to fill out.
Sworn officers risk their lives every time they respond to a need. There are so many crazy people out there...just the act of pulling someone over to warn them about something as a low tire can be a life threatening situation.

While we joke about police here from time to time, we all know that what they do is incredibly dangerous.

Again thank you Derek...and everyone else here who has or is still protecting us day in and day out. We love you like we love our military. Of course I feel nearly the same about teachers...but that is mostly because I am...
See what happens when you mess with us hard headed folks...:D

Seriously, I hope you heal soon big fella, that way I dont feel so bad when I beat up a cripple!:D:D:D
Little snot nose tough guys. They are a danger to themselves and everyone else...... Next time drop one of those rocks on his head.
lbstone said:
... some random guy comes outta my house....and said, "boy, are you stupid, your messing with third third strongest guy in the world". I politely corrected him and told him I was number 4!!


Now that is funny!!!

Sorry about the failed relationships...........they are difficult already without the extra work BS you deal with.

Thanks again for the phone call...........was able to get it to work with some of your tips.

When I was reading your story, a thought "SHOOT THE BASTARD!!!" about 3 times (once when he almost hit your car, once when he backed up to ram you again, and once when he seemingly went for a weapon on his waistband). But, you didn't.... And, that makes you a hero. You saved a guys life, (by beating his ass to a pulp, and keeping him in the hospital for a while.... this will also make him detox off of whatever he was on. :nurse: ).... and countless other innocent people on the road that night were spared as well... You will never get thanked for it (by the perp), but you let God give him another chance. You're a good person, Derek.... don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. :) :rock:
Sorry to here that. I had a similar altercation and tore the ligament from my thumb to my palm bone. Worst injury I ever had took me are year to get my full range of motion, and strength back. Good Luck!

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