i HATE OUR QC tranny

my truck just turned 26,000 miles and for the past 3000 miles it feels like my tranny going from 2nd to 3rd is going to fall out. not all the time though. i recently drove to hilton head for vacation and i had to get on it to pass a semi truck and it did some crazy double shift when it gearred down. freaked me out i might say. but don't get me wrong, i love these trucks.
kylightning73 said:
my truck just turned 26,000 miles and for the past 3000 miles it feels like my tranny going from 2nd to 3rd is going to fall out. not all the time though. i recently drove to hilton head for vacation and i had to get on it to pass a semi truck and it did some crazy double shift when it gearred down. freaked me out i might say. but don't get me wrong, i love these trucks.
thats how mine started at times