I have colon cancer.

Glad to hear that yer already better, Jackie.....

Be strong and get back here soon......

We miss you, buddy....

So far so good fellas tryin not to bloq her phone up too much she is gettin tons of calls he def meeds his rest he should be in his room by now with the happy button
Hopefully by monday he want be too woozy may be ill tho they are gonna feed him by tube till maybe friday
So far so good fellas tryin not to bloq her phone up too much she is gettin tons of calls he def meeds his rest he should be in his room by now with the happy button
Hopefully by monday he want be too woozy may be ill tho they are gonna feed him by tube till maybe friday
I've seen the Boy eat before, he ain't gonna like that tube stuff.:D :D
Glad to hear things went well! We will continue to pray for a speedy recovery, we all know jack likes fast things!
Just got off the phone with his wife, jack is now out of surgery and in recovery and doing fine but heavily medicated for now, but she said all went well. The doctor had a long surgery before jacks and was very tired and that is the reason for delaying his surgery

But it was succsesful and he is doin well guys



:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
go jack
go jack
go jack ,,,so hows that happy button working for ya ,,,had that when my leg was busted up i actually forgot becky's name i hit it so much ,,,i thought it was funny as Hell ,,,she did not :D
Good to hear everything went ok!.. see it wasn't that much of a pain in the ass:D i'm happy for ya i hope you have a speedy recovery!:rock:
Please pass to Jack that a Full and Complet recovery is Very Possible. Peggy had the same thing 3 years ago and went through the same procedure. During the surgery the Dr. got every bit of the cancer and she was not even recommended for Chemo or Radiation treatments. She even had the "Re-Section" 3 months later.

3 years later there is NO sign of anything wrong and she is living a completly normal life just as though nothing ever happened..

So Jack hang in there and Peggy's and My prayers are Wigh you... :)
Glad everything has gone well so far. My prayers are with you and your family.
Breaking news!
Jack odonnell goes postel on hospital employees!

Lol well ses jack had a very rough night, after nine years of being on oxycoten they wouldnt let him have any aftr surgery so and with his high tolerance to pain they wasnt giving him a correct dosage
So last night about ten thirtymargo gets a call to come to the hospital immediatly!
Seems our fearless leader was taking any an all persons on untill thwy got his meds corrected

So now he is back resting well and on a synthetic morphine

Hopefully by tomorrow i will be able to speak with the man himself

Side note
Tmorrow is his an margos. Thirty year anniversary

Congrats to the both!
That sounds about right.... Go, Jackie....!

Titration can be a bit dicey when a patient is already on a chronic pain treatment regimen. They just don't know what kind'a tolerance the body has already developed to pain meds. I'm sure with the severe fibromyalgia (that Jack has) titration levels to treat this level of pain is a work in progress.

Glad those guys finally got it right and that Jack is comfortable.

The risk (among others) is the possibility of creating a drug addict.... It happens all the time.

His Will be done............


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