I Lost My Best Friend Today...


VTCoA Board
Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
State of Confusion
This is Dude. He has been my walking buddy and best friend for 12 years, 3 weeks ago he was diagnosed with Lymphatic Cancer. At 10:30 this morning he lost his battle and went to the Rainbow Bridge, along with his sister LuLu who we lost 2 years ago, to wait for us. I miss you buddy, my heart aches for you and your sister.

Rest In Peace Buddy.

Sorry bro, always sucks when we lose our little buddies.
Prayers sent......sux losin our loved ones....our 4 legged friends.

I know the feeling man and my heart goes out to you... I lost my best friendof 13 years, Stink, a little bit ago.... Stink had been getting up there in age, she had been diagnosed with Cataracts 4 years before but was still truckin on. I was going to meet some friends for wings and let Stink out to do her dirty deed. Five minutes later I opened the door and she didn't come in, I found her floating in the pool. It was windy that day and I think she didn't smell the pool as she walked toward it. I tried CPR but it didnt work. Saddest day of my life so far and Trust me its a hole that can't be fixed....
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Sorry to hear bro, we have 2 Shi-Tzu's and almost lost 1 last year to diabetes, but she's been on insulin for about a year, our little furry friends are hard to loose, I'm feeling with ya'...........Take care.
It's sad that their life is so short. Because of that, we can have many in our life, but there are the special ones that we miss the most. Hope you have pictures that will help with your memories. Dog is God spelled backyards.
Sorry Bro ...... lost a 2 year old to a Blood disease awhile back, (Bella) cried like a baby.

Sorry to hear this bud. They are indeed family and friends and the loss hurts as such. Prayers sent
Sorry for your loss brother...They roll in and roll away just like the Tide...Lost my 10 year old american bulldog 2 years ago..She still makes me cry..
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Sorry to hear this bud.. Keep your chin up and maybe a new best friend will come along.
I'm sorry to hear this Rick. We lost our pug last year very unexpectedly. He was old but still very spunky, never determined what it was but the best guess was a spinal cord tumor that caused him the inability to urinate and barely had the use of his rear legs. I still miss that little guy.

Thanks Andy. The hurt we go through when we lose them is the price we have to pay for all the love we get while we have them.
Sorry man.

My parents lost one of their pugs to the ups truck a year ago. They cried and cried. He was literally like their child. I got them another one a few weeks later and he is their old dog reincarnated... i'm not kidding....

I would lose my mind if my cat died. He's a 28lb Bengal. As big as a dog and has the personality to match.

Again, I feel for you broski. I know one thing that helps is to watch videos of your animal (if you've got them). I know that helps my parents.
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Our critters are our 2nd set of kids, more often than not behave better than the real ones. Enjoy them, love them, find another one to help fill that void they leave when they gone. Have had many dogs & cats too, each one was special in their own way
Sorry man.

My parents lost one of their pugs to the ups truck a year ago. They cried and cried. He was literally like their child. I got them another one a few weeks later and he is their old dog reincarnated... i'm not kidding....

I would lose my mind if my cat died. He's a 28lb Bengal. As big as a dog and has the personality to match.

Again, I feel for you broski. I know one thing that helps is to watch videos of your animal (if you've got them). I know that helps my parents.

I grew up with cats, have always loved the big ones. Got a pic?

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