I talked to Shawn tonight


I talked to Shawn, too...........And without convoluting this even more than it is, let's just say that Mikey and others have been saying things that are exclusive rather than inclusive to various races and religious groups....That's not to say that I personally believe they are racist. But that their manner of speaking suggests so...

As a result of these unrestrained comments about "beaners, Bible thumpers" (etc), Jack, Patrick, Bob, Shawn and others have had complaints and people quitting the forum because they were appalled that Mikey and others would approve of those kinds of terms being allowed here....

Of course, I don't think Mikey is a racist. He's too nice a guy and too good hearted to hate someone because of race.... or even religion for that manner..... But to the casual observer, his actions and words belie that fact.... (that means they make him look like a racist, Christian bashing asshole...OK?) ..

That makes for trouble with all the people who simply can't tolerate Mikey's actions and words.... They either don't know him or (like me) have taken a stand against his tirades..... Even more trouble ensues when those who support Mikey wage a lobby of their own in Mikey's defense.....BLA BLA BLA.....

It's a huge political jugfuk......

So, why not be more mindful that people of color, minorities, religious folks and others aren't part of the (so called) "dirty dozen"... They have greater sensitivities (apparently) than (maybe) you do. And they are NOT gonna stand idly by while The Sickness wields his Braveheart Claymore (sword) lopping off the head of every sacred cow in sight....

The actions of The Sickness (not Mikey per se) have seemed (to the general forum population) to have been given free reign too long..... and it's taken it's toll on all of us........

I (too) hope that Mikey can return and (as a result of all this fkn turmoil) moderate The Sickness or (if not) kick The Sickness out all together....

Mikey, Shawn, Jack, Patrick, OC, Mexicans, Degos, Native Americans, Asians, street racers, dipshits, pinheads and Stinker...... I love you all. And I do hope that, as this place grows, (that) goodness, deference and consideration will grow with it- along with the good old fun that we've always had....

BTW, If anyone labors under the delusion that Django has sold out to the political correctness crowd. Think again, pal.


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Silverback said:
Did you say something?:dontknow: ;) :p :D

If it makes you feel better, I pay attention. :rock:

John, you only pay attention because I pet you and try to hand you a banana every now and then.;)
The dirty dozen thingy goes back to the Roktman days .....