"I thought this was a forum about trucks?"

I think my work here is done...:rock:
I'm off to HO another "TOO SERIOUS" thread!:D

Huggs, Kisses, Buh'BY!!!:star: :aetsch: :vroam:
Hey Phil,

I understand what your saying....

Looking forward to seeing you home

PM sent

Big Asp said:
Howdy y'all! Many of you newcomers don't know me. I have an '05 RC and have driven it around the block once or twice. I am currently living in South Korea and am 3/4 of the way through a two year assignment. I'll be home in September and can't wait to get back to "playing cars." My assignment keeps me very busy and focused on my work so I only have a few moments here or there to check in with the forum.

I was looking at the forum the other day and my wife came in the room. She saw a video loop of a young woman bouncing her boobs for the camera. As I scrolled down the screen there was another bouncing boobs video loop. Then there were signature photos and avatars, some with very scantily clad women flipping off the camera. She said, "What is that all about? I thought that this was a forum about trucks!" I guess I have gotten used to looking past these kinds of things in order to read about the trucks. However, this morning I logged on only to see a video loop of movie characters engaged in a blatantly sexual act. So, my friends, when does it go too far?

The other old timers here will tell you that I'm not one to want to force my morality on others. I have some great friends here with very different viewpoints on things like drinking, street racing, women, appropriate language, pornography, politics and religion. Our love for things that go fast is a common bond that brings us together in spite of our conflicting opinions and lifestyles. At one point we had a gentlemen's agreement that we would police ourselves and save colorful language and non-PG13 rated graphics for the offensive section. It always starts out working pretty well and then someone pushes the envelope a little. Then, someone else pushes the envelope a little more. New people join who may not know better. Soon it's over the top again. It seems to be a cycle we go through.

Again, I'm not trying to lecture anyone on morality. I'm not asking you to prude up. I'm not trying to ruin anyone's fun. I'm not going to go and whine to the admins or send out a bunch of PMs. I'm not going to throw a temper tantrum and stomp away, threatening never to come back again. I'm just asking that you all remember that there are those of us, more than you might think, who don't speak up much and prefer not to look at some of the stuff that is currently in some of the signatures and avatars. I'm simply asking that you keep in mind that there are wives, children, fellow office workers, etc. who see what is on these postings. This is supposed to be a family safe place to surf and, frankly, I would be embarrassed if my grandkids were to see some of these things. The offensive section is there for a reason. Having said this, you are certainly free to do what you will.

This forum has always drawn good people to it because of a sense of fair play and mutual respect for one another. I hope that continues.

Thanks for listening to my rantings.

You have some excellent points!I feel the pain! I have been qustioned more then ounce by my WIFE and kids bout pics seen on Avs and Sigs,persoanally I don't mind but more then just myself see the site!:rock: I love the site and want to stick around for the long haul!!:burnout: :rock: :burnout: :rock: :elefant:
this thread is the reason i still hang around this room even though my truck is bye bye......too much fun compared to other rooms.....we have great personalities in here and many times they clash...PRETTY MUCH SOUNDS LIKE LIFE DOESNT IT!!!!!!!!
Sir, you have every right to ask our family to be a bit more considerate. I for one will take your request into consideration when posting something explicit.

BTW don't leave Korea without trying the Kimchi.


..........Just wanted to agree with your statements and well wishes to our fellow member.

HERE IS THE Sig I was asked to remove via PM months ago, as an adult
I was more than happy to. It came from a guy with 76 post, not an old
member, just a guy who thought it was a bit over the edge.
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I love boobies as much as the next guy but I know a few sites I can peep to look at em.... love sports too but you won't find a Yankee, Giants or Knicks bumper sticker on my rig either! Everything has it's place... hope your well Big Asp :)
sleeper said:
Oh really. LOL this is funny coming from you. Sounds like Bob has the problem. He felt the need to bring it up again. Then you jump right in like its your business. You should stay out of my business.
Let me get this straight, ok?

First of all, you and only you are allowed to complain about avatars, right?

Wait, anybody can complain about avatars, just not signatures, right?

No wait, I think I have it now. No, no I don't. I have to admit, I'm confused.

Who is allowed to complain? Can they complain about avatars and sigs, or just one? Which one?

Should they go to an admin or mod to complain? No wait, I know that one! They shouldn't PM an admin or mod, that is the sissy way out, right? Ha, I got one right! Oh wait, no I didn't. They should PM us to complain.

No, I'm still confused. Can you explain exactly which way it is supposed to be?

Oh, and can I put a Support Your Local Outlaws MC banner in my sig? Cause I think you said stuff in sigs was ok. Or did you?

Yeah, I'm officially confused.

I've got no problem with you, or your asking me to remove my avatar last week. But I do have a problem when instead of giving another member the same consideration you jump in his shit. Don't seem right.
Y'all quit! Don't make me post a picture of Rosie O'Donnell.........naked. How's that for offensive.:D
SilvrSRT10 said:
Y'all quit! Don't make me post a picture of Rosie O'Donnell.........naked. How's that for offensive.:D
As long as it's not in your sig. Or avi,Or..........Could you P.M.that to me?:D :D :D :D :D :D
As long as it's not in your sig. Or avi,Or..........Could you P.M.that to me?:D :D :D :D :D :D
Ewwww John. I might have to ban you for that one, you're one sick puppy LOL.

Of course, I'm just jealous cause her junk is bigger than mine hehe.
OCBob said:
Ewwww John. I might have to ban you for that one, you're one sick puppy LOL.

Of course, I'm just jealous cause her junk is bigger than mine hehe.
Yeah,I hear that bro,But i think she has both man.Not that there is anything wrong with that.:D :dontknow: How you be bro?
Not picking on "THE ITCH" but it bothers me when you can only read 3 post per page because people has big huge pictures ,,it just takes up alot of room. And as fa as the girl bouncing her boobes , ijust cant read nothing with her doing that.. And i wait and wait for one to fall out but it never does
Yeah,I hear that bro,But i think she has both man.Not that there is anything wrong with that.:D :dontknow: How you be bro?
Good man. Just talked with Mas today, gonna try to find a day to slake our thirst down at the place in Temecula sometime soon. Maybe next month. Can we count you in?
stick said:
Not picking on "THE ITCH" but it bothers me when you can only read 3 post per page because people has big huge pictures ,,it just takes up alot of room. And as fa as the girl bouncing her boobes , ijust cant read nothing with her doing that.. And i wait and wait for one to fall out but it never does
Maybe you didn't wait long enough.I think i saw a little nip.:p
SilvrSRT10 said:
Y'all quit! Don't make me post a picture of Rosie O'Donnell.........naked. How's that for offensive.:D
Please, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! I think that would make almost everyone here leave for good. :(
Nice to see you Phil.....Korea is an awesome place :rock: :rock: :rock: Hope all is well with you my friend....Gimme a call when you get home I am making a trip to Utah and would Love to see ya Bro :rock:
Ahhh the pipe cleaner is visiting Utah!!! :elefant:
TheSickness said:
Nice to see you Phil.....Korea is an awesome place :rock: :rock: :rock: Hope all is well with you my friend....Gimme a call when you get home I am making a trip to Utah and would Love to see ya Bro :rock:
Craig said:
Ahhh the pipe cleaner is visiting Utah!!! :elefant:
Not just Utah but I will be there for a week....Not sure of the dates yet...I will also be infecting a few other states this year :D Utah visit is a done deal though I have the money saved and well......I am turning Mormon :D :p

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