Is anyone here a lawyer?

I smell turd lickers! =P

...its nothin major, just some bullshit some cops pulled at a party last night and me some buddies got MIC/MIP while the cops told other minors who were admittedly drunk to hurry and leave...there was also a cop from the same dept. at the door of the party watchin minors carry/drink beer everywhere.
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I guess what you're describing is an issue of selective enforcement.

If you believe you've been victimized and want to sue, contact a real attorney who will then analyze the situation and advise you (as to) whether or not you have a case.

This will be a matter of "he said/she said".......

Otherwise, you might simply wanna chalk it up to experience and put it under your hat in case there's a next time..... And beware of those specific cops in case they actually have a specific "hard on" for you or your friends.....

FYI: nearly every young person believes that ALL cops do have a specific hard on for them and their friends....

If I have missed your point altogether, please forgive me...I'm just trying to help.

if your being victimized with selective enforcement they do sell a vehicle video recording camera thats hands free and sets on the dash and you have every thing on tape there is no he said /she said...a guy i know used this thing to get on camera a guy who was bothering him on his way to work allmost every day till he got it on tape and showed the judge the tapes ...the guy would slam on the brakes all the time...till one day my friend hit him and they gave my freind a ticket and tryed to make him pay up till the judge saw all the tapes is a #tc246 and sells for 79.95 not the best but it does work....they sell it at :)
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thanks Fred and D...the camera's a good idea, but I would've needed one pointed at the tailgate last night :( we were in cuffs before the guy even knew how old we were or if we had been drinking....i was like "WTF!":dontknow: