Is it just me or.......

They are going up for sure. Based on production numbers they had to increase. They built over 39,500 Ford Lightning's.. They only built a little over 9,000 SRT-10's.
I hardly ever see our trucks on the road anymore.

Every year there are a few less 10's and they can only go up in time. I have been offered over $30,000 for mine and I'm not ready to sell my 10 because I love driving it.
I'm driveing mine into the ground. That way it will be easier to bury me in it!
I thought that too, how long have you had it for?
I really did not need to just read this thread... Off to kill myself :vroam:
I really did not need to just read this thread... Off to kill myself :vroam:

Don't feel bad. I have no idea what you sold yours for but it just goes to show people are asking more, but not really getting it. I didn't get near what I felt my truck was worth.
Don't feel bad. I have no idea what you sold yours for but it just goes to show people are asking more, but not really getting it. I didn't get near what I felt my truck was worth.

But it is nice to know that the book value is on the rise, which cannot be argued. As time goes by I am a true believer that the value of these trucks will continue to increase. With so few made to begin with, along with the amount of them that have already been totaled and the others that have been driven into the ground and not taken care of... the price of the ones that have been taken care of is guaranteed to keep increasing.
At a car show last weekend a guy kept referring to my 10 as the unicorn truck. I ask him what he meant & he said it's like a unicorn, everyone has heard about them, but no one has seen one. Most people still think they are Hemis. For the most part they are an unknown product. I think the more we show/drive these trucks the more popular they will become & the better the value will be.