It's time to say good-bye


Full Access Member
Jan 14, 2008
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I guess since I'm the most hated here now according to Dom and others ,and have had a major shift in my life because of a recent tragedy other things have become way more important to me now,this is were I say goodbye .
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I guess since I'm the most hated here now according to Dom and others ,and have had a major shift in my life because of a recent tragedy,this is were I say goodbye .

Why act like that Ironnugget ?? You're a historic part of this community which has supported you through your tribulations as they've done for myself in the past. Just be because a Vendor took his toys and left doesn't mean you do as well. Your CE is great to see at Texas GTGs bro.
Why act like that Ironnugget ?? You're a historic part of this community which has supported you through your tribulations as they've done for myself in the past. Just be because a Vendor took his toys and left doesn't mean you do as well. Your CE is great to see at Texas GTGs bro.

As this is my last post here and other forums ,There was a major family tragedy that has not been posted or explained in detail on this forum nor will it be from me, It has changed the way I will carry on from that day forward so don't even think I'm doing this because many of you hate on Tony (or me for that matter ),that's between you all not me.And I will not be attending any GTG,s period anytime soon .
It was a fun time here way back and i met a lot of good peeps here and a lot of bad apples ,but so is life in general that way .Peace Out!
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I guess since I'm the most hated here now according to Dom and others ,and have had a major shift in my life because of a recent tragedy other things have become way more important to me now,this is were I say goodbye .

Sorry Ironhead, you have been in my prayers ever since I learned of the tragedy in you life and you are right, this stuff really doesn't matter as much or even close to the things you face daily. My hopes and prayers are still will you and I hope only for the best for you and your family.

Take care, you will be missed :eek:
Only you know what's best for Ironhead. I was not aware of the tragedy in your life but whatever it is then my thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. I hope to hear from you again but if I dont then I wish you the very best.
Sorry to hear. Good luck! You're not getting rid of your truck are you?
I hope you think about it and come back soon. You'll still be welcomed to GTGs and will be notified. It's your decision whether you'd like to attend or not. Good luck and prayers sent for you and your family man.
I'm sorry to hear that, James. I was thinking about you last night and had a tall glass of chocolate milk last night in your honor (yep, I'm being 100% serious). You will be missed around here. I appreciate the the working knowledge you have shared with us.

I'll pray whatever you are going through now strengthens the relationships you choose to keep in your life.
sorry to hear that tragedy in your family.
hope all the best for u.
Sir, I have no clue what has happened in your life. But-----you have a family here and sometimes family can bring comfort. I do not live in Houston but come down every Sunday and back home on Thursday and would consider is an honor to meet you and pray for you and your family. If you need someone to share your hurt and sorry, again, I would be honored to bring whatever comfort I can. I too have been through some tough family crisis and found my Lord and my God the only way to get through. Please contact me if I can share your pain and bring you some relief.
In His hands,
Brooks Harman
(903) 456-5749
Sorry to hear of your loss. A forum like this shouldnt cause stress. Its for information and brotherhood. It's about the truck, but you get to know the people. I dont know you IRONHEAD, but I wish you all the best and hope that this decision will help you through a tough time in your life.

Take care sir.
Its your decision... good luck to u in life... it was nice reading your posts.. old and new. Take care man
I didn't know you personally but i wish you all the best from here forward. A tragedy of a close freind or family is always very difficult to deal with. You and your knowledge will always be welcome around here. Take care
I know i dont know you very well, but im truly sorry for what your going threw, need anything let us know! you will be in our prayers, take care