Let's help a friend....Pheonix GTG everyone pleae read

if i help a little , does this count for my " charity act" to do around Chistmas ? :confused: :dontknow: Do i get a certificate from Santa ? :D

I'm in :rock: just help my friends for this magnificient forum with great members and tech help :rock:

PS who else can i bother with my complaints and troubles ? :p :D

Your friend Wafflehead AKA Wafflehouse :eek: :elefant:
TheSickness said:
Anyone else out there that can help please do...The info is posted on the thread and it's also in my sigline :rock:

how much should we help ?
Let me know that you got the Paypal Billy... it's not much.. hope it will help a bit.:eek:
To be honest...it is the remainder that I had in my Paypal account.
Belgium Barry sent me extra when I covered his carfax report...even though I was doin it for free. (He's pretty persistent);) Just show's you again the calliber of great people we have here.
I used half the $ to renew my membership to the forum...so the balance is all you:rock:

Love ya brother, and have a great time out there!

How is the pup?:dontknow:
Bill, send me a PM letting me know what airport you would depart from and what dates you want to fly. Need to know preferred departure date and approx time as well as return date and approx time. I have a bunch of unused miles that would probably cover one of the tickets.
NBT said:
How is the pup?:dontknow:

Benson is doin very well and im actually trying to wrestle him as im typing this.

A big thanks to everyone for the help
I want to give a progress report on how it is going so far, I have received Paypal donations from;

Scott- Treker

I want to thank you very much for your donations.

I have got about have of what it will take for the trip, I know a lot of our members are going through tough times right now, and I don't want to be a burden on anyone. If enough money can't be raised I will return all the donations that have been made.

Thank you for your help.

Billy look at Roadrunners post and send him a PM...If you have 1/2 maybe his donation of sky miles will get you guys down here....:D :rock:
Roadrunner and I are sending PMs back and forth. It looks like he is in a position to help out. I will post more when I know more.

Begood said:
Roadrunner and I are sending PMs back and forth. It looks like he is in a position to help out. I will post more when I know more.

You don't know any Fkn thing now :confused: Looks like it will take a lifetime until you know more ;) :D
RoadRunner said:
As long as they get on the plane they will make it to PHX, tickets are being taken care of.
Dont know you brother, but your f-n rock :rock:

Thank you and I hope I can shake your hand one day. Will and Bill are awesome peeps.
Yes folks it looks like Roadrunner has been very kind and booked our flights, I should have comfirmation soon.

The members here at this place NEVER stop amazing me, I feel so lucky to consider myself a part of it all.

To the people that Paypal'd me some money I want to know how you want me to handle it?

1. Do you want me to paypal it back to you.
2. Do you want me to put it towards helping out with costs for the the party in AZ for everyone.

I can't thank everyone enough.

Thank You, from the very bottom of my heart!

One lucky Fkr named Bill.
I dont have much play money anymore guys but I want to help. I had a great time with Bill and Will at the Nats. Will do what I can for you guys, Ill send some now and some later.

Sending as I type. - Dominick
Nevermind I guess lol....

I want to go can I have it. :D

Have a good time guys!
Begood said:
Yes folks it looks like Roadrunner has been very kind and booked our flights, I should have comfirmation soon.

The members here at this place NEVER stop amazing me, I feel so lucky to consider myself a part of it all.

To the people that Paypal'd me some money I want to know how you want me to handle it?

1. Do you want me to paypal it back to you.
2. Do you want me to put it towards helping out with costs for the the party in AZ for everyone.

I can't thank everyone enough.

Thank You, from the very bottom of my heart!

One lucky Fkr named Bill.

Add mine to the GTG kitty.... I may be coming also.
just have fun in your way Billy, i don't expect a $ return or a $ in some other ... hey, i can miss it, so you enjoy it :rock: :rock: :rock:

PS i would do the same for every member.... no, not exactly, not for Mikey :p :p :D :D ( already done :confused: :dontknow: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: )
Begood said:
2. Do you want me to put it towards helping out with costs for the the party in AZ for everyone.


One lucky Fkr named Bill.

Yes, please. :) Buy everyone a drink for me, will ya?!?! :rock:
Black1 said:
Yes, please. :) Buy everyone a drink for me, will ya?!?! :rock:

now that's a good idea ! ok, i paypal Willy he's round on a drink for everybody at the CTC :rock: serious, only in return i want a pic of the drinkers :p :D :D