Lightning vs. Venomous QC

Some ricer fly by action after each run.
Woulda been interesting if that car in the middle lane changed lanes. Good kill but I'll never get doin that crap with innocent people around.
Woulda been interesting if that car in the middle lane changed lanes. Good kill but I'll never get doin that crap with innocent people around.

You're exactly right man. That car was in on it with us and filming as well. Been trying to get their vid as well.
didnt see the 2nd link. Good video. id be butt hurt losing to a limo. id love to know who tuned the L.
Actually didnt find it. It was given. You still woulda lost but glad u weren't bein dumb out in traffic so thanks for that.

So you post a vid that's not a race as I never hit 2nd gear and it is fitting to this thread? Seems like total trolling to me but that's cool. Ok TOTM moderator dude. Have a great weekend :D
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I must of missed where OP said he never loses to any thing.

forum drama.:hmmmm:
