Looking for a 04-05 RC

Dude... calm down, you're going to stroke out

So lets look at that post. Hillary, Trump or Other... You voted other believing enough votes for what ever other would be would win..

People and crime are not isolated to American or Alien, ones citizenship is not a deciding factor. And if the only thing you see is white crime. I now have a better understanding of your view

Mass Shooting, white, democrat and off their meds, yep, agree.

So... I'm old. My thoughts on crime are not control by the Media, political party or dumb ass comments made on internet sites. Crime is an individual decision even when people do it at a group. The particular class that the criminal belongs to has no bearing on the individuals action.

4 former presidents..... I like this one and the opinions of many have been expressed and mine may not be any better or worse than the others. Opinion:Trump is unfit because it screws up the power structure and money. You ever wonder why people who make as little as someone in Congress is a Millionaire, I don't, just follow the money. Power, well, some of us see it play out everyday in Congress. I got my own little view of it when I worked for SL County. Small county government with a staggering amount of control over the population. Watching new meat walk in the door thinking their going to change the world, walking around like a whipped puppy six weeks later. People love the power.

The last one, the empty positions. You do make me smile. Between the slow confirmation process and yes, Trump not filling some positions, slow nomination process, or even picking someone is a problem. that is a pretty big problem.

Something tells me you don't read Judicial Watch

Your thought process on politics is concerning. You can try to excuse it by your on paper political self righteousness, and see the bright side of an impending collapse to a divided nation of which HE has created with his right wing radical ideologies. None of which are original, it’s the sentiment of the collective trash of this country that for fear of justified shaming hid in the shadow of their own indignity. Race has nothing to do with it, and let’s be plainly honest here, it’s not the Democrats who own the guns and commit all these demonic acts. It’s the retarded children of some ill advised and neglected republican with a house full of guns who are angry at the world. And don’t blame it on slow confirmation for empty position, it’s not a time issue, it’s as simple as no one wants to work for the lunatic. Cuz even those with a good reputation who risk credibility are selflessly doing it just so that this country stands a chance and isn’t ran into the ground completely. Now that is admireable. That is patriotism. To know you will only ridicule yourself to save not your own face, but that of your countrymen in front of the rest of the world to keep order in a failing system and keep the US from completely embarrassing itself.
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Your thought process on politics is concerning. You can try to excuse it by your on paper political self righteousness, and see the bright side of an impending collapse to a divided nation of which HE has created with his right wing radical ideologies. None of which are original, it’s the sentiment of the collective trash of this country that for fear of justified shaming hid in the shadow of their own indignity. Race has nothing to do with it, and let’s be plainly honest here, it’s not the Democrats who own the guns and commit all these demonic acts. It’s the retarded children of some ill advised and neglected republican with a house full of guns who are angry at the world. And don’t blame it on slow confirmation for empty position, it’s not a time issue, it’s as simple as no one wants to work for the lunatic. Cuz even those with a good reputation who risk credibility are selflessly doing it just so that this country stands a chance and isn’t ran into the ground completely. Now that is admireable. That is patriotism. To know you will only ridicule yourself to save not your own face, but that of your countrymen in front of the rest of the world to keep order in a failing system and keep the US from completely embarrassing itself.

Dude, that is pretty funny and to know you believe that right to your core is telling. The coming years will be very frightening for you. I’m sorry
Fuck Hilary too. I care not for criminals in office of which we were given two and still the people demanded not for better candidates.

The criminal element is within already and it isn’t foreign. The statistics of the race or ethnicity of such perpetrators isn’t only Latino or black or Muslim or whatever else the dipshit in the Oval Office says it is to keep his racist ass supporters happy. Last I remember most of the mass shootings and civil terrorist acts have been committed by those that are American born citizens and of a caucasian background. But I don’t need to state the obvious. I think you are way too old or perhaps just ignorant to disregard the facts and feel threatened by the scare tactics of a untrustworthy entity with a truly criminal agenda. Trump is such a joke that 4 former presidents of both democratic and republican background have attested to the certainty that this hobo with Twitter happy fingers and little dick syndrome is unqualified in every way, shape, and form to lead this nation properly. The empty positions in his party are a proof of that. No self respecting individual with a good reputation is stupid enough to want to be part of this laughingstock government.

You may wanna use someone elses for that job!!!! LOL
Dude, that is pretty funny and to know you believe that right to your core is telling. The coming years will be very frightening for you. I’m sorry

Fear?? Lol no sir. I’m not the one that picked one of two idiots for government. So please confirm how you picked the best of the two again and remind me of your political intellect in accepting that because you are so smart in the ways of order and process and see the upside of down. So you did your civil duty and picked a relatable candidate (which speaks volumes about you) over the crook. I guess “I’m better than that, I’ll pass on the criminals thank you very much†wasn’t a real American option for ya huh? :dontknow:

Fear?...Jesus Jeff, I swear you make my point too easy. I leave the REAL fear to those that NEED the guns by their bedside and in their vehicles and on their person for self defense and the sense of security to protect themselves from us liberals as I’ve been labeled. Truth is what you need a gun for any can do with a fucking fork and you’d never see it coming. Personally, I don’t need to cuz I’m not after an imaginary enemy looking for scapegoats to justify your need for a wall, and vetting, and all the other pussy ass excuses all ya’ll sissies make to feel safe. Now please tell me who’s the frightened one here. :rofl:

Smh, Conservatives... :D
Fear?? Lol no sir. I’m not the one that picked one of two idiots for government. So please confirm how you picked the best of the two again and remind me of your political intellect in accepting that because you are so smart in the ways of order and process and see the upside of down. So you did your civil duty and picked a relatable candidate (which speaks volumes about you) over the crook. I guess “I’m better than that, I’ll pass on the criminals thank you very much†wasn’t a real American option for ya huh? :dontknow:

Fear?...Jesus Jeff, I swear you make my point too easy. I leave the REAL fear to those that NEED the guns by their bedside and in their vehicles and on their person for self defense and the sense of security to protect themselves from us liberals as I’ve been labeled. Truth is what you need a gun for any can do with a fucking fork and you’d never see it coming. Personally, I don’t need to cuz I’m not after an imaginary enemy looking for scapegoats to justify your need for a wall, and vetting, and all the other pussy ass excuses all ya’ll sissies make to feel safe. Now please tell me who’s the frightened one here. :rofl:

Smh, Conservatives... :D

Hey, you spilled some kool-aide, better wipe it up before you slip and fall.

Out of curiosity, which amendment is the most important to you?
I have been looking for a RC 2006 model for some time. I once passed on a red specimen when I was wanting silver or grey. That was a mistake.
That's what I was looking for thank you :rock:

Suuuure you were. Ran out of intelligent come backs and solid well thought out points so you went with the safe vague question to make you seem like you have some physiological insight to my response. Good try Jeff... good try.

You should really get back to your potatoes now.
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Suuuure you were. Ran out of intelligent come backs and solid well thought out points so you went with the safe vague question to make you seem like you have some physiological insight to my response. Good try Jeff... good try.

You should really get back to your potatoes now.

No you had an issue with the 2nd Ammendment. Want to see what you really thought about the ammedments or you just hate people that carry. You hare people that carry.... ok

I’ll choose not to make a San Fran comment
No you had an issue with the 2nd Ammendment. Want to see what you really thought about the ammedments or you just hate people that carry. You hare people that carry.... ok

I’ll choose not to make a San Fran comment

I don’t hate anyone. I leave that to the radical Trump supporters. And I support the second amendment just as much as my other proud American. I’m just not so insecure to need one on hand to go down the corner. I guess those open spaces must be fucking rough... how’s that frozen ground over there by the way??? Must suck ass to need to dress in layers to survive too. :(
I don’t hate anyone. I leave that to the radical Trump supporters. And I support the second amendment just as much as my other proud American. I’m just not so insecure to need one on hand to go down the corner. I guess those open spaces must be fucking rough... how’s that frozen ground over there by the way??? Must suck ass to need to dress in layers to survive too. :(

4 season Rock!!!! Hunting, Fishing, Gold Mining, base Jumping(not me LOL), skiiing and the list goes on, and when Yellowstone finally goes, I'll never know it
I don’t hate anyone. I leave that to the radical Trump supporters. And I support the second amendment just as much as my other proud American. I’m just not so insecure to need one on hand to go down the corner. I guess those open spaces must be fucking rough... how’s that frozen ground over there by the way??? Must suck ass to need to dress in layers to survive too. :(

wow,, and i thought this thread could not get any dumber

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