Memorial Day Tribute


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Jan 26, 2010
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Miami, Fla
Just wanted to say thank you so much to all who have served our country and a special thanks to the ones who never made it back or came back wounded. My prayers and best wishes are with the family and friends who never got to say goodbye to someone who was willing to sacrifice themselves so that we as Americans could enjoy the freedom we have today. So many people have forgotten what this special day is truly about. I myself joined the Air Force when I was 20 as soon as the first Gulf War started because I wanted to serve my country but never made it there on deployment because it was over so soon. I think how it didnt worry me as I was single and full of testosterone and didn't have children or a wife to worry about. I think now that I have a family how difficult it would be to leave them and not know if I would be back. So to all who do this I give my greatest appreciation and just want to let you know that there are still people out there that really appreciate and understand what you have sacrificed and are willing to so that we can celebrate this day in your honor. May you and your family's be blessed.

On a side note, for all who don't exactly understand what our military has done and sacrificed. You can go to the History channel as they are showing real footage of the wars and battles our nation fought in and what soldiers really experienced and sacrificed for our country. It's really graphic so I don't recommend younger children to watch. I think that this should be a requirement for all households to watch prior to the Memorial Day weekend so that while they are doing a Bar b Que, or getting drunk or going boating and partying that they truly understand why it is that they are able to that.
Every year on Memorial day we go to the Pensacola 'Wall South' which is the only Permanent Memorial outside of Washington D.C. to list the names of all the men and women killed or missing from the Vietnam war. They do a great ceramony but we don't usually go for that as our kids are a little too young. We go and explain to them though what it is and there are always people there to talk to. It is pretty awesome.

I only served 8 years active and another 4 years on reserves. I can tell you my respect for the military runs strong through my veins, and whether they joined for duty of their country or because they needed a paycheck, I appreciate them either way!

Well said sir. Thanks to all of our Armed Forces past, present, and future. Without you this day means nothing.
I went to lowes today to pick up some more paint for another "honeydew" project. I showed my military ID to get my 10% discount. The woman checking me out closed her register and grabbed my quart of paint and asked where I was parked. I said I could handle it, she said she insisted. She walked me to my truck thanking me for my service and telling me about her husband who died in desert storm. She started to cry (I dont do good with that), so I gave her a hug and just listened. She thanked me again and apologized, and said she feels better.
Yep! Amazing how many people we cross everyday and not know that they have lost someone who served.
My pops in 1958 ,right before he was shipped off to Vietnam .


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