met another srt owner


Full Access Member
Jul 19, 2006
Reaction score
Colorado Springs, CO
I'm at a hookah bar with a local radio station hangin out and one of the owners here chris just bought an 05 silver quad cad in Feb. Gave him the info so hopefully he will jump on into the madness
Hookah bar, is that like the Blue Oyster Bar?
no a hookah bar is a bar where pepole go to smoke hookah (a bong) and socialize....tabbaco not weed!
.....yeah it's kinds the new "hip" thing to do now in america. My wife is Turkish, so I have been to some middle eastern restraunts that serve them. They put it in the middle of the table and load the top of it with tobacco, then place a hot coal on top of that. You puff on a long tube, the Hooka looks like a nice vase. Now that I think of it, the cartoon version of Alice in Wonderland, the worm was smoking one.
its a huge business here in the springs. Though there are a few others in town that are soliciting tobacco to minors and serving alcohol and causing all sorts of problems. This guy doesnt serve alcohol and id's everyone. Though its not a healthy thing to do I got to give it to the guy for being a successful entrepreneur.
:hmmmm: Who knows who or how many have sucked on those things before you..:dontknow: