Missing Keyfobs and alarm remote


New Member
May 30, 2015
Reaction score
Greenville, SC
Hey guys,

I just bought my 2004 RC and all I have is the non-fob key with no way of using the remote locks and alarm. How would I go about getting new keyfobs and having everything functional again?
Take the truck to a dealer. They will make you new fobs but need the truck to do it, along with a current registration to verify you are the owner
you can buy OEM fobs off ebay and have the dealer program one. then you can program the second one at home...
if you need a key, don't skimp out and buy a cheap ebay one. i think a new dealer key is around $225 though...
let me look, i might have a spare fob...
Yes I had my buddy at the dealer program the first new fob. Later I came across a few used fobs. I programmed the second on at home.