My Grandfather Passed today

Mark, that is a pretty graceful passing.

Condolences on your loss.

My condolences on your loss Mark.

And my thoughts and prayers are with you and the rest of your family.

May he rest in peace.
Your grandfather departed in quiet peace. We all can only wish to be so fortunate. This very scenario happened with my grandfather soon after I carried him from his chair to his bed. Then he smiled at me and closed his eyes taking his final breaths. Sorry, but times like this remind me of my grandfather's passing. Although death is a significant part of life I know it's never easy to lose a family member. I am so sorry for your loss Mark. My prayers are with you and your family. Take it easy and we hope to see you back when you have the chance buddy.
Sorry to hear about your grandfathers passing.

I'll miss seeing you this weekend.

My prayers go out to you and your family.
Sorry for your loss Mark, Gods Speed to you and the family:eek:
Thank you everyone for the thoughts and prayers over the passed few days. I know it helped. But hey after meeting the people that he knew in Texas and hearing the stories that they had to tell I know my Grandfather is in a better place and had a great life. Thanks again!
It's a double edged sword.

Children and grandchildren should outlive their parents and grandparents. However when we do, we suffer the loss. But to pass before them only inflicts more pain on them as they outlive children or childrens children, which is to opposite of what should happen naturally.

As you state, you just need to take comfort in realizing they had a long and happy life and are now in a better place.
Dear Mark and your entire family, yes my prayers are with you. May your Grandfather rest in peace. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. May God's mercy, His peace, His presence of comfort and provision be with you and the all the family. Lynette and Willow send you love and peace...:(
Tiger Lily said:
Dear Mark and your entire family, yes my prayers are with you. May your Grandfather rest in peace. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. May God's mercy, His peace, His presence of comfort and provision be with you and the all the family. Lynette and Willow send you love and peace...:(


I am sorry to hear about your loss and you and your family are in our prayers...