My license plate flipper

Thanks that available on your web site?

It would be perfect for both the SRT 10 and the CTS V.
there was a guy in my hometown where i grew up that had a 65 ford, blown, the works and he had a license plate flipper that flipped completely around and had a different plate on it...some things stick with ya...
Prof said:
And just where is Minnesota?
In a much better place than IL. If I told ya exactly where then I'd have to .........., well you prob know, but I would take good care of your truck for ya! :D
Illinois can be found at the bottom of any highway pot hole. We dwell in the depths and would love to just become one of Minnesota's 10,000 lakes...we could call it ILLPotHole Lake.
You'd have to get rid of WI 1st to cut down the distance between, maybe swallow them up in the potholes.:D

Nothing personal, but I'd prefer your potholes stay there. Some of Our roads are bad enough, but overall much better than yours imo and seems to me it should be worse here. Not sure why, but based on the dozen or so times I've been thru the CHI area the last 10 yrs. or so and a couple across the southern 1/4 of IL, I see tons of cunstuction zones, but most of them have no people, or equipment of any kind in the area, just barrels, signs, barriers, etc. Nothing happening. About 90% never seems to change. I go thru and come back a week + later and nothing has changed at all. I go the same rte. a year later and it's still seems pretty much the same. Am I wrong?

Here we do only have 2 seasons, Winter and Consruction and although it is a never ending process, progress is usually being made during constuction season, even at night.
Illinois is famous only for corruption. We do not fix roads. We pay to have roads fixed, but the prevailing philosophy is that if we complete the repairs our unemployment rate will skyrocket, and we all know how terrible unemployment is!