My Solution


Full Access Member
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Hamilton County OH
My mailbox is being flooded with mail concerning gas prices and illegal
immigrants. To boycott oil companies or not; to provide amnesty to

illegal immigrants or not, etc.

Since I have become jaded to the various solutions proposed by the

Republicans, Democrats, Sierra Club, ACLU, etc. I have elected to solve

the problems as they affect me.

This solves both my gas and illegal immigrant problems........

I have hired illegal immigrants to push my truck. They're plentiful and

cheaper than buying gas.
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Not to crash your thread Dave, but I recieved this the other day:

Immigration March in Los Angeles: Hey guys, I thought you'd be
interested in some of these facts I got at work today. It appears that the
Immigration March in Los Angeles was a success!

According to data from the Los Angeles County Sheriff, Los Angeles had a
reduction in the following:

82% reduction - auto theft
28% reduction - murders/ violent crimes/ rapes
73% reduction - vandalism / tagging
54% reduction - drug related offenses (not including the area surrendering
the march)
31% reduction - domestic violence cases
64% reduction - misdemeanor cases (shop lifting, etc)

CHP reported that today was a record low in the least amount of traffic
accidents on Southern CA freeways.

Looks like the immigration rally was well worth it. Maybe we can do this one
again sometime. Sure saves the State of California a chunk of money!
This reminds me of a skit on the comedy central show: Mind Of Mencia.
He called it a "Mexican hybrid":eek: :D :D :D

I have hired illegal immigrants to push my truck. They're plentiful and

cheaper than buying gas.