Supporting Member
May 4, 2007
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What are your thoughts on the "so called new" style of bump drafting by racing in pairs. I don't like it even though the cars run faster. I think it takes away the skills of the individual driver. I'm betting on Nascar changing the areodynamics of the cars or mis matching the front and rear bumpers. The CUP duel races on Thursday and the Nationwide race today had this drafting. The truck race yesterdat did not and was more fun to watch.

So far this year the racing has been boring to watch. I keep hoping for the day that NASCAR will take off the restrictor plates and dirty up the aero to slow the cars down.
i'll let ya know after the race
I HATE it.. worst iv seen in years. my buddys parents are have been there for speed weeks and said its the most boring racing sence NHMS opened up... Im HOPING with 43 cars it might pick up a bit... i hope :(
So far this year the racing has been boring to watch. I keep hoping for the day that NASCAR will take off the restrictor plates and dirty up the aero to slow the cars down.

This year?!?!?! NASCAR has been boring to watch, ever since they introduced the Car of Tomorrow. It was supposed to level out the playing field. Really?!?!?! How many more cups can JJ win back to back? The teams with big money still have the best equipment and they're gonna continue winning championships. One thing it did do... It showed who can drive and who cant. And Jr. cant drive. Sorry Jr. fans and I'm one of them.
3rd Lap of Daytona was pretty powerful.... It must have been something to be in a car and hear nothing but motor (no radio chatter) and see EVERYONE with their arm in the air showing three fingers. Pretty cool.

Rest In Peace, Dale.
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3rd Lap of Daytona was pretty powerful.... It must have been something to be in a car and hear nothing but motor (no radio chatter) and see EVERYONE with their arm in the air showing three fingers. Pretty cool.

Rest In Peace, Dale.

Amen... i teared up a bit. :rock:
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different/good race:rock::rock::rock:

great finish:rock::rock::rock::burnout::burnout::burnout:

great to see the Wood Brothers in the circle again:rock::rock::rock::burnout::burnout::burnout:
different/good race:rock::rock::rock:

great finish:rock::rock::rock::burnout::burnout::burnout:

great to see the Wood Brothers in the circle again:rock::rock::rock::burnout::burnout::burnout:

+2 for the Wood brothers. Been a VERY long time for them and they've had some good driver's that should been in victory lane before
It was great to see the Wood brothers win!! :rock::rock::rock::rock::rock:
it was a great race from the superstretch,
the cars look a lot better, got some pics I'll share they are down loading to PB now.
3rd Lap of Daytona was pretty powerful.... It must have been something to be in a car and hear nothing but motor (no radio chatter) and see EVERYONE with their arm in the air showing three fingers. Pretty cool.

Rest In Peace, Dale.

it was Erie complete silence all we heard was the cars as they came screaming by, but I am a little suspicious about a black 29 with white # ended up leading that lap
here are a few pics






race car driving school

The other course they offer is highway survival training which only one day is and hubs on subjects such as accident avoidance, skid control, and proper use of ABS systems. Another training course in the school is teenage defensive driving, a one or two day long course, which focuses at equipping teenage drivers’ skills in driving. Executive protection or anti-kidnapping is also another training done in the school. This course is premeditated to train drivers who may find themselves in high risk environments. This training helps those drivers who are at high risks of attacks from hostile people or animals or even hostage takers. They also offer Lap the Oval training which is a course that is intended to get drivers onto the Phoenix International Raceway cars fairly quickly. It is indistinct from the contemporary promotional materials what the fundamentals are.

You might want to try attending a nascar driving experience or track day, it will show you just how hard it is to drive.