need serious legal help

I think it's going to come down to the laws in your state. For example: A car isn't considered stolen from a test drive until 24 hours have passed. If you have the keys it would/could be considered "joy riding" I could be mistaken on this. I was told this by a police officer. So it could be wrong.

I would seek a lawyers opinion.
I know if I was the dealer I would have already filled out a report with the local PD for theft. I'm sure he's had it longer than what was agreed. I would also be pretty pissed about the 3500 plus miles on the car when and if I get it back. If I was the dealer, the only available option would be for him to buy the car

Iam sure the option will be there for him to buy the car but in the long run if the dealer filled out a report of theft it all will be up to the local police and the Da office if they want to try and covict him of theft.
Something smells be willing to bet this was planned....unless dude is just that stupid!!!!!....

I'm wish you on that, his girlfriend gets sick so he had to take her to California to get treatment? A Texas hospital couldn't fix it? If it wasn't that big of an emergency that she could last the trip there then it wasn't that big of an emergency. Let's just say it was that big of an emergency, why wouldn't he take his own car? Stuff just isn't adding up.

If the dealer already made a report he's screwed. If they haven't he better be happy with it after that trip because if he doesn't buy it, I smell lawsuit or worse.

That just doesn't make sense to me? :confused::confused:
I'm sick..............Let's go to CA.

WTF really. what did I miss.

He is getting charged I can almost put money on that. Good luck with a lawyer LOL whats he going to say. Ummmmm UmmmmMy client is stupid your honor :D
Annnnd because of people like this dealers are ever more cautious about sending vehicles home for extended test drives. Of maybe they didn't want to leave an SRT-10 with my 23 year old self...

Hope your buddy was serious on buying the car, that's the only way this wont end bad. Putting 3500 miles on a vehicle just for giggles? Now the dealer lost potential money since the car was gone, the extra miles are a bargaining tool for other buyers which will eat into their pocket even more. Not to mention the 2 tanks of gas he cost them.

Good luck though.
Best sentence would be not to allow him to vote for 30 years. that way I will be dead and gone andnot have to worry about his stupid vote. Although-----betting he ain't even registered.
Is this thread for real or just something to post for fun? If you take a brand new car home for the weekend and then drive it for 3,500 miles, no matter what your excuse, you better damn well sure plan on buying it. That's the solution, plain and simple.

How do you go back to the dealer with a straight face and say thanks but I just don't like the car? Oh buy the way it needs an oil change because I drove it half way across the country.

Is this thread for real or just something to post for fun? If you take a brand new car home for the weekend and then drive it for 3,500 miles, no matter what your excuse, you better damn well sure plan on buying it. That's the solution, plain and simple.

How do you go back to the dealer with a straight face and say thanks but I just don't like the car? Oh buy the way it needs an oil change because I drove it half way across the country.


LOL. funny but very true.
when he goes back to dealer tell them he does not want it because it has too many miles on it lol:D
Ive heard that in the US if you give the keys to someone, its never considered stealing. Im not sure if its just stories we here up north.. But i think it was something to do with a trucker who was fired or knew he was going to be fired, so he never returned from his run and they could not charge him with theft they just had to get it back on there own..

not sure if its bs but i'm sure eddy will know that one..

anyhow thats what i heard.. prolly 15 yrs ago heard that one..
Well no charges filed they are going to charge him for the mileage so i told him if he ever gets an idea about ANYTHING ever again let me know first and ill let him know if its a good idea or not
Well no charges filed they are going to charge him for the mileage so i told him if he ever gets an idea about ANYTHING ever again let me know first and ill let him know if its a good idea or not

Just tell him "if you have to ask, it's a bad idea". No adult should have to coddled like that.