New Guy From St. Louis Area


New Member
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Hey guys,
I just wanted to introduce myself to all you guys! I just your typical horsepower craving go fast type of guy. I have always wanted one of these trucks and now soon I will own one. Hopefully, around the fall I will have saved enough $$$ to purchase one. I have so many plans for the truck once I get it. I have been looking this forum for ideas on what the best mods are and design ideas. Needless to say, I love this forum and I am on it everyday and I don't even have a truck yet!!! Not sure, if I want a RC or QC. I love to have control of what I am driving(manual trans) but would love to have the extra seating for the family. I know there is a conversion that can be done but, that would be a few years after I get the truck due to price of conversion. I know tough decisions:confused:all in all I don't care as long as I have one of these awesome trucks to call my own! Thanks guys and hope to make some new friends that share the same interest and love of these trucks!

Welcome to the VTCoA Nate!
Welcome to the forum Nate. You never know you may come across a 6spd. Qc. I did. When you go to buy best thing to do is ask if anyone wants to sell there's