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Feb 10, 2008
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I own a small car lot in KS. Had a 17 yo with his 60ish Grandma want to test drive an 00 Civic (wheels,body kit,ect..). Told Grandma only she can drive car. 5 minutes later a friend saw my car with kid driving speeding down passing lane in a high speed chase with an unmarked car. 3 cars got him stopped. When I got to the scene I found out grandma swapped seats and said she was driving. I confronted her with the fact I had a witness that saw the kid driving and she admitted to lying to the cops. I took my keys and left. I later found out the kid had a suspended license. The unmarked car didn't have radar and lost sight of the car so the only ticket the kid got was for suspended DL. Grandma got nothing for lying to cops. Grandma filed a compliant for the cop pointing gun at them. Everytime I think I've seen it all some a##hole proves me wrong. Just had to vent. My friend Jack Daniel's is telling me to go kick some a##.
That's BS , they should have arrested both of them.
Did they end up buying the car ?

No, but I did sell it to someone else an hour later. I was lucky they did no damage to car. My friend said they slid around corner and missed curb by inches.
That's BS , they should have arrested both of them.

100% agree. how can you walk away from that with just one ticket. now he thinks its all a big joke. so he and his stupid grandmammy learned absolutely no lessons. and her old ass should know better by now

at least you still sold the car tho:dontknow:
LOL, an evil gramdma.:hmmmm:

Still can't believe they didn't get a ticket - excessive display of speed, reckless driving, etc . . . .
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should of punched grandma in the face :)

what a low-life worthless douche bag, knowing his lic is no good and let him drive anyhow. what if he killed someone, would of been all her fault.

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