OK Cali guys...put up or STFU

sleeper said:
To Bakersfield for me is 250 miles. How many more to AZ? I live in the Bay Area. What city is this GTG in?

WTF your saying you cant make it and you dont even know were it is?:dontknow:? "Phoenix Arizona" buddy, not sure on your total miles but map quest can hook you up.
sleeper said:
To Bakersfield for me is 250 miles. How many more to AZ? I live in the Bay Area. What city is this GTG in?
Phoenix Sleeper......Hell leave that POS truck ;) and fly down I got room on my floor for ya and you are welcome in my house sir....I will be opening my house for those that can't afford lodging.....There is no excuse for missing if you really want to be here, I will start a thread and get you the help you need if possible........

The West Coast guys continually are the worst with GTG's WTF is Sea Urchinboy, Voodoo, Patrick, Busey, Jr, the whole San Diego group with the exception of Voodoo has not said anything and quite frankly I think it Fkn sucks. Juan is trying to make it truckles :dontknow: This is not about the trucks at all....This is about Friends and Family !!!!! Bucke is in Texas and busier then Hell so he gets a pass on this one, but everyone else unless they are dead will once again let this pass them by and that is criminal in my eyes...Unless it's Nowwhat racing the Supertank they don't come out for anything ..... The Ne and Florida guys know what this is all about and they are light years ahead of the curve......Hell even I am coming out to Florida this next year and I cant afford to pay attention....But I will get there I made Brat and Mutt a promise.......This is about people and I am all about that Shit ! :D Get it together F@cktards and make this GTG.....We already have 30people which is shaping up to be bigger then Bakersfield ever was, what a shame some will not even attempt the drive :( :mad:
newmexicoviper said:
WTF your saying you cant make it and you dont even know were it is?:dontknow:? "Phoenix Arizona" buddy, not sure on your total miles but map quest can hook you up.

752 miles.... I can SNEEZE further than that. :D
Black1 said:
752 miles.... I can SNEEZE further than that. :D


That is chump change!!!! I've driven further than that far for a VTCOA GTG!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR A ONE DAY EVENT! :mad: ;) :nurse: :coffee: :D

This is an entire weekend! :D
TheSickness said:
........ The Ne and Florida guys know what this is all about and they are light years ahead of the curve......Hell even I am coming out to Florida this next year and I cant afford to pay attention....But I will get there I made Brat and Mutt a promise...........

When you coming out to FL, Mike? :confused: :dontknow: You always have a place to stay with me, Bro! :rock: :rock: :rock:
Black1 said:
When you coming out to FL, Mike? :confused: :dontknow: You always have a place to stay with me, Bro! :rock: :rock: :rock:
I don't know for sure yet Jake I wish I did...But you Tards have a GTG every other week, so I will just pick one :D Crisco ( Flchub ) wants a piece of me and I don't wanna disappoint him :rock: So I just need to make some more cash and save for it.....Things at work are going very nice for me and I am in line for promotion and yet another raise :rock: :rock: :burnout: So we will see what we see.....Actually I don't give 2 Shits about Crisco LOOLOL Light work if ya know what I mean....I'm coming to see my Peep's You, Brat, Scotty , Kenny, Steve, Da Mutt.....I also wanna pull my Virgina and Georgia Peep's Nelson, Andrew, Bone, Peach smoothie and the rest of the boys together, for a real GTG.....That is my dream and hopefully it can happen during a shuttle launch, so I can smoke a few bowls and watch that Shit from yer backyard Nukka :D :elefant:
TheSickness said:
.........That is my dream and hopefully it can happen during a shuttle launch, so I can smoke a few bowls and watch that Shit from yer backyard Nukka :D :elefant:

That would be thee SHIT! :D :rock:
Ill make a cali gettogether but will have to be next summer for me :)... someone start planning.. .. :)
AWDisuzu said:
The REAL socal members get together all the time. WTF are you talkin about?
Only in Cali Bro !!!!! Very few venture outside that state boundries....this is plain and simple fact....Fstjack is the only one that has been to most of these deals.....Nowwhat went to Nat's this year....Big deal :D You coming or are you just gonna chirp about it Bastage....sign up and join us:D :rock:
sleeper said:
You must be losing your memory then. Time to retire old man. I was one of the first to shake your ape hand. You were still sitting in your yellow truck.

F*cking memory.

Think me and the OL might be out Mikey, if we can make it work. If we do I will have other "business" to take care of but will have some time for hanging out.
Hmm..only 2368,1 miles,,in 33.5 hrs for me...