ok so not to start a brawl....

For all intents and purposes one would have to remove the poor driver factor. Do away with colors of the trucks. Dismantle ALL modifications and do away with any added weight other than what was initially included from the factory. Then we must base this experiment solely on the fact the vehicles in question were stock, one RC and one QC with exact equal weight of operators, exact tire pressure, exact 93 octane from the exact same fuel pump within the exact same hour.. OH and both have to have the same head unit radios, be it RB1 or RB4. Only then will you obtain a true result with absolutely NO excuses regarding altitude, atmospheric pressure, driver error/weight, fuel, mods, tire pressure or differences in radio weight….

For the record though I know of one member here, from Houston, that has achieved 12.7 in the quarter mile with a bone stock RC. On the flip side we all know of one QC truck that holds the record for fastest quarter mile (2 seconds fater). Although both subject vehicles were silver, the QC was/is modded to the MAX yet 2 seconds was shaved off of the 12.7 time of the RC. My friends, you can come to your own conclusions based on your experiences and what you think should or shouldn’t be. Meanwhile, I will keep my opinion to myself.
Raced 2 quad cabs, both of them actually beat me off the line. by the time I got it into 3rd though, I was past them.
Also has alot to do with driver. Not ability, but weight ;)

Some guys weigh a good 2-300lbs more than the next... ;)

My money is on RC's but I am partial...
Prof said:
Eric...because I like you...here is the answer you are looking for:

A black qc is always the fastest truck.

I bet there are other black qc owners that will totally agree with this statement.

Feel good now?

Have a good day friend! :D :p

I totally agree, mine kicks ass totally stock. I can rape Vipers and RCs all day long. Damnit why did somone wake me up! LOL
We can actually argue this all day long. But I'd have to go with the RC on this one. Especially stock vs stock. One thing that I think we can all agree on is.....thay are both bad ass trucks. Especially with a little work. :)