Our Forum

Wow, really guys :dontknow:

Take it to PM. This is gonna get deleted

Why, this is nothing compared to waht we did days on end before the ho's went extinct due to climate change
Is that what happened to them? Climate change?
This is the funniest thing I've read all day...... thanks for the smile guys... please, carry on

Whats really funny is how mad would member's who live in canada take to me bashing about the country they are from, and then me being a part of a forum owned by a person from canada :confused:
all over a simple misunderstood quote......

TLC could make a show about this forum...

this is classic!:D

Damn thats it ,,,,I have had enough of the pics you use viperhauler. Your AVATAR is the most offensive I have ever seen ----You know the rules ...NOW BAN YOURSELF :D:D:D:D or put the last one back on:D:aetsch: Almost forgot -that pic and video are the farthest end of the internet ,,,You made it:rock::rock::rock::rock:
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new house rules:aetsch: i can also walk around the house naked:toilet:
Oh, crap it's now a dictatorship and the rule of viperhaulermoammarghadafi has spoken :aetsch: At least keep your curtains drawn when you walk around your house:aetsch: . You can be arrested if a neighbor walking down the street sees you while peeping in your window:aetsch: Give a man and inch and he takes a mile:D of course that's not what she said:aetsch:

I'm just gonna put this up again. We'll code name it Rick Roll'd in the new age.... although this is worse than a rick roll lol:D:D:D