Patrick (RedSrt007) - a true brother:

Cruster said:
Couldn't agree more....what a nice change. Glad you guys reintroduced the "brotherhood" that's been a little tardy here of late.

All families go through their fair share of ups and downs.

The ups celebrate who we are. The downs show us what we're made of.

This crew has been through it all and proved its heart many times.....

This place in unique.

God bless us........... everyone.

RedSrt007 said:
Forget the cars at that point! Time for a
Lunch and hanging out lol

I have already reserved a house in Lake Tahoe again for our vacation, family gathering. Karen is planning on riding with me in the Cobra on the way down, but is planning on flying back. Maybe I will take the long way home through San Diego. It would be great to see you, Tim, Jack, Kevin and anyone else in the area again.
Sure, now Patrick has all the time in the world for joy rides, since he doesn't have to worry about a silly website anymore:p
My best, always, to you and Lynette, Tim. And may God bless us all.... Everyone. :)
I have already reserved a house in Lake Tahoe again for our vacation, family gathering. Karen is planning on riding with me in the Cobra on the way down, but is planning on flying back. Maybe I will take the long way home through San Diego. It would be great to see you, Tim, Jack, Kevin and anyone else in the area again.

Let me know when you're in town, John..... I'll make time.

Sure, now Patrick has all the time in the world for joy rides, since he doesn't have to worry about a silly website anymore:p
My best, always, to you and Lynette, Tim. And may God bless us all.... Everyone. :)

Thanks, cousin..... God be with you.

You too, Billy boy.


When I took Willow for her walk tonight I smoked the last half of the Sublime Limitada 2005 that Patrick left in the ash tray of my gazebo. It was perfect....

While Patrick and I were smoking our Habanos, my cigar seemed to be getting short more rapidly than Patrick's. This seemed to be vexing him to some degree. I think, "How do you do that?" was what he asked me.... I'm afraid (that) I can't reveal the exact phrase that I used since we're here in the non-offensive section. But, what I wanted to tell ya' was this:

My dear, dear friend.....: I was actually smoking the cigar............... I'll be sayin' no more about it, then. ;):D

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He makes me feel alot better about passing the baton.


you should go to the doctor if you are passing batons. might have to go get the big whopdedoop shoved in there to see whats wrong :p:p:p:p:p