Photoshop Graphics & Stuff

Stinker said:
wish i knew how to get pics off the phone T, I rolled out the brutal 10 in all here parted out glory, first time she has moved in 2 1/2 years.

she really looked pitiful:p

Gimme some pics Tony I'll do em up tomorra .......

Oh By the way guys how bout some Low Riders .......






How low can you Go .........

Guys, I got 52 things going on right now, But I will take care of all over the next day or two. Thanks for your patience ....

Eddie - Sweet SRT, I'll do something up for ya.
RB04 - Eli, haven't forgot ya.
Stink - Where's the pics Tony?

Jim ( also known as T... )
Eli ........ ctsrt10 (paul) mentioned a quick GTG , I thought maybe the 21st at the Toys for Tots thing you Dodge guys are doin. What ya think. If weathers O.K.

ya toys for tots is good, here is the post on the charger forum for the info:

Saturday November 21st from 10am until 3pm at the Toys R Us in Manchester, CT. The address is 1460 Pleasant Valley Road. The plan is for everyone to arrive by 9:30am so we can get set up, get our cars organized, & start recieving dontaions by 10am.

Last year was our very first year doing this & it was a huge success. I'm would love to beat last year's numbers if we can. Also for those that attended last year & remember how cold it was. This year we have a large tent with heat on stand by just in case.

So please post up if you are able to donate & or attend. Once we get a few names, I will begin the list in this first post.
Great Eli ........ Start a GTG post, I'm in and I think Paul would go ....... maybe a couple other guys. For a great cause...

Oh by the way..... Here's the Purple car ....... Took some extra time with it... Hope your better half likes it ...


wow!! thanks Jim!! very cool, and Ill start a post on the toys for tots.
black pearl said:
Those graphics look awesome Jim:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:

Thanks Bud ........... Gimme a pic of your Truck and I'll hook ya up.

Eddie ..... doing your challenger now ...... Back in a few.


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