Pima air museum and Mt. Lemmon run.

Dude...you should of mentioned something. Pima air is literally 5 min away from me. I also got the invitation via email but wasnt to sure about it. Damn!

Cool pics! Mt. Kicks Ass!:rock:
Hey I see they finnaly got the sr-71 indoors!!
I went to school in phoenix in the early 90"s and made sevrale trips to pima, back then they had her sitting outside alond with the "quaker city" I bieleve was her name, the most complete b-29 in existance if I remember it right, did they finnaly get her the air conditioned hanger they were raising money for?
I donated $20 bucks and got a bag of original rivets that they were changing out due to them causing corosion.
Kinda cool thinking that those rivets were in action over the pacific somwhere during the war..
Joe :rock:
Sorry about the invite guys ,I was'nt sure I was going till that morning. Here is the pic of the B-29 they had a corvette show going on also .DSC01893.jpg
