Question about reposession....


Full Access Member
Jan 28, 2008
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My buddy's evo got repo'd and the company claims that the audio equipment can be kept by them and he cant get it back. The audio equipment was purchsed as a gift of his brother like 3 weeks ago and is still on his brothers credit card.... Are they really allowed to keep his stuff? Shouldnt he be allowed to return it to stock as long as he replaces what is taken?? Just curious if anyone is familiar with this.....:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: Again I know this is prolly a ? for an attorney but Im just asking to see if anyone on here knows.....
Tork_MoNsTeR said:
My buddy's evo got repo'd and the company claims that the audio equipment can be kept by them and he cant get it back. The audio equipment was purchsed as a gift of his brother like 3 weeks ago and is still on his brothers credit card.... Are they really allowed to keep his stuff? Shouldnt he be allowed to return it to stock as long as he replaces what is taken?? Just curious if anyone is familiar with this.....:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: Again I know this is prolly a ? for an attorney but Im just asking to see if anyone on here knows.....

radio is a gone bye bye ,,,once it is attached when repod ,,,its a goner ,,,now if he had loose things ,like clothing bag ,football helmet ,,but you cant go take a left tire or any thing OFF the vehical ! or a radio;)
But if "technically" the stuff isnt his.....Idk.... It just seems kinda BS that they can take the subs and whatnot... The radio, I understand but something that definitely did not come with the vehicle....
Tork_MoNsTeR said:
But if "technically" the stuff isnt his.....Idk.... It just seems kinda BS that they can take the subs and whatnot... The radio, I understand but something that definitely did not come with the vehicle....

ya like that is the first time they have heard that ,,,dude its gone ,,ITS ATTACHED ,,,you cant remove anything ,,they hear that line all the time ,,,hey my dad payed for that motor i was just borrowing it ,,i need to take it out WRONG lol
it don't matter, dude...once it's "attached" to the car, and it goes to repo...that's's theirs...

btw, even if the repo company has already picked up the car, you have an opportunity to "square up" with the financier (sp.?) to bring current and take your car home...then you can get your shit back...but if he's 3-4 payments out, it may not be feasible ... but it's not gone...just yet
But if he has the proof.... His brother can prove it... He's still payin for it.... I know he did, I did the install...
Oh well... I figured Id ask... I just dont see how that works... Its BS...
Tork_MoNsTeR said:
Oh well... I figured Id ask... I just dont see how that works... Its BS...

if he knew it was going to get repoed ,,,and you have to be 3 to 4 months back before they come get it he should have been thinking ,,man i got to get this out before it gets repoed ;) and if he could not make car payments why did you sell him a radio,on payments lol

now if he pays up and the stuff is gone then you can get the repo peeps
Similar happened to my buddy....he made friends with the guy at the repo yard and agreed to let him get it as long as he replaced to stock....rims, radio and lights were all taken and replaced...
Again that was all about who you know type of deal!
viperhauler said:
i gotta ask, tho, ryan...

if he was that far out on the payments...why did he have ANYTHING in the car????
Cuz he was still payin on it.... He lost his job like 6 Months ago and got another like 2 months later.... So he was like 3 payments back but started making payments again just couldnt get ahead... and the day before he made another payment it got repo'd.. He cashed his check on the way home from work.... and they took it that night.... Oh well tho
GADodgetech said:
One of my good friends has a 06 MR grey, 360 whp bitch is fast :burnout:

His was white... Made 410 awhp on the stock turbo too.... Fast spool and pulled hard
You have to look at it from the bank's standpoint. They want to get the car back and resell it--immediately. If they allow the owner to take off aftermarket parts, chances are, the car will not operate as intended, and therefore hinder or prevent the sale.