Radar detector?


Full Access Member
May 11, 2012
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Hi all....

Well... With the event of my 5th speeding ticket happening on Monday, I think it is time to invest in a radar detector...

Funny thing is, none of these tickets have been in the 10.

So.. I figured why not ask on the forum? The best one to get ?? comments, reviews??

I have my eye on a Passport 8500i. Thoughts ??

On a side note, I was also wondering if I was the youngest member on vtcoa, ringing the bell only a mere 21 times in this life.

Escort is the best way to go and is made in my own backyard. But i wonder who is the youngest owner. Im 20 now but was 18 when i got my 10
You have me beat, I was 24 when I bought my first one. That was 6 years ago though.
I own a Passport 9500iX and a Beltronics RX65 Professional Series. Both work equally well but the Passport has the annoying warning when approaching a signal light camera. You can download updates from around the country of new cameras being installed but I hate the noise and I never run red lights. I got mine cause I drive fast. I will use either one. One warning. If you do not have someone in front of you and the guy is using one of the instant on radar units then you are dead. All detectors work only if the radar unit is on all the time or the instant on type shoots someone else and the signal bounces off of them to you. But-----no likely a trooper will be on such a road anyway. Coming over a hill or around a big curve with no one in front of me, I slow down. Hadn’t had a ticket in 5 years cause after learning these detectors the odds are in your favor. But again, you gotta learn what you can do and what you can’t do. :rock:

Google or look on our "do it yourself" site and find the mirrow mount. Works great and doesn't have something stuck to the windshield.
have had my 8500 since i bought the truck in 05 so 7 years of use 0 tickets in it.
wait a sec, aren't most radar guns actually laser now? do fuzz busters even work anymore. i used to have one in my charger that worked great, and one day it didnt and that cost me a ton. somebody get back to me on this
No sir, at least here in Texas the majority of radar is still x, y and k band. At least that is what my detector shows and like I said, nary a ticket in 5 years. :rock: