

Full Access Member
Aug 22, 2011
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So my GF and I meet up after my 14 hours at the job. Having sent a text message earlier in the day asking " Where are we going tonight." I let her know that we had a big day at the company, but if she would give me a little bit to transition we could met up and somewhere chill and hang out a bit.

we meet up at the local watering hole, I order a pitcher. For about five minutes she fiddles with her phone, ( the one I happened to give her that has a huge piece of fruit displayed on it) and she looks up and say "I don't like the new update wish I had not messed with it." A few minutes go by and a bar patron brushes buy her gently in passing. He promptly applogized for his lack of balance; aftwards she states "See thats why I hate sitting here," referring to the table. I explain well as soon as they clean the tables over there we can switch. So we get up and move, blah blah blah and she continues to fiddle with her phone setting and such with her side/back to me.
A few minutes go by, of course I am observing her fiddling and enjoying my brew. She finally grabs her keys out of her purse sets them on the table stating well if you are not going to talk to me I am going to go home. Well if you are going to leave at least finish your beer then we can leave together, was my reply. No just text me when you get home.

A. You walk out on me in public; don't expect any generousity on my part.
B. After 14 hours on the job, don't ask me to do diddly, more/less entertain you in coversation.
C. Be grateful you have a top of the line device paid for, with service

The female psyche, I don't know where they get off sometimes. I am begining to move them into the liability quadrant..
wait till she asks you to tell her how you feel ,,:elefant:
full moon this week:dontknow:
..."The female psyche, I don't know where they get off sometimes. I am begining to move them into the liability quadrant.."

There is no way to understand them. Simply say "Yes, dear." And then smile.
better yet wait till she asks you WHY you love her ,,,
'if it has tits or wheels its gonna give you problems" I truly believe and live by this statement but i think i saw in someones sig on here they completed the phrase perfectly by saying "you just have to find the ones that give you the problems you can deal with"
I would have snatched the phone from her if she said that crap to me. Then I would have told her that if she wanted to have a conservation that she needed to provide some damn attention.

BTW, I had a best friend once tell me to stop calling him and instead I was instructed to text him instead. Needless to say after comments like that we don't communicate anymore. Texting is a bit too impersonal to me but, thats my 2 cents.
There is no way to understand them. Simply say "Yes, dear." And then smile.

BINGO!!! :top:The professor has spoken. And refrain from buying stuff for them like expensive fruity phones. They rarely appreciate such acts of generosity from what I've learned over the years. :dontknow:Believe it!!!!
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I have nothing to offer, other than....

Is this the type of behavior your happy with and will it make you happy over the next 50 years. If for just 2 seconds you believe you can change her, just give the 50 percent of what you own now and move on as you have already lost
There is no way to understand them. Simply say "Yes, dear." And then smile.

This is some of the best advice one can follow.....short, sweet, and to the point...:rock::rock:
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"She was low down and trifling
And she was cold and mean
Kind of evil make me want to Grab my sub machine"
Delia's Gone...by Johnny Ca$h
I would bet money that you did not start going out with her because of her wonderful talking points :DThat problem happens down the road when you find out the REAL person you are bonking !:D The love doctor has spoken :elefant:
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Yes dear , & smile ???? Sure that works if you have no balls, or backbone or even lack being a man. good advice :confused:

I buy my girlfriend lots of things, perfume, purses clothes shoes you name it.

I have a great girl who won't ignore me or dare to act like that in public, 1. being she would never do that to begin with 2. thats childish.

being with someone, is being equal. plain & simple. the smile and say yes to everything, is the reason why a marrage will fail.

I was with a girl before who did something kinda like that, We left together, I dropped her off and told her to pound sand. never called her again, it will only get worse over time, some people never change.

The ONLY thing that changes is "TIME"

Not that I am saying your girlfriend is like this cause I don't even know her, so don't take it to heart. I believe in equal not a one way street, which some people live life as. while they get steamrolled every day by their wife.
Dont ever criticize a womans judgement:dontknow: look whos shes with:aetsch:

I think the simple logic portion of the female brain is missing. My wife lost her fruit phone I bought her, called me from the home phone yelling "where the F is my phone!" (I had been at work for hours AND she had called me from it earlier) SO she says, can you at least call it, maybe I'll hear it. I said I can't I'm talking to you. Why didn't you just call it yourself. Her- why do you have to be such an ass hole................

Really? WTF!

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