Reckless Driving


New Member
Sep 8, 2006
Reaction score
San Francisco, CA
Just recalled this incident and thought I'd mention it as a point of reflection.

I was driving back home to San Francisco in my QC from the GTG in Bakersfield via Hwy 46 for a wine tasting stop in Paso Robles. I had just past I-5 headed west and saw a car (later identified as a Gen II Durango w/dual pipes indicating that it had be modified) charging up hard from behind.

Hwy 46 is a narrow 2 lane road and passing is completely prohibited by barriers and double double yellow lines through much of it's length. The reason for this has a lot to do w/it's dubious past and it's previous nickname - "Blood Alley." However, there were no barriers in this part of the road.

Anyway, I was already driving 75-80, when I came up on a long line of about 6 cars, who were going about 70 mph. I knew the guy in back was in a hurry so I left a large gap for him to get into in front of me, but apparently that wasn't good enough for him.

The driver just blew past me at about 100 mph into on-coming traffic and cut into the 3rd car in front of me with only a few feet to spare in front of the terrified driver coming the other way. He continued to cut in and out of the line of traffic (like he was riding a motorcycle) until he found some open road. :stupid:

All I could think about after that performance was how stupid that driver was and wonder what was so important that he had to risk his life and the life of others to drive so recklessly. :dontknow:

This thought was further emphasized when I passed the junction of Hwy 46 and Hwy 41, where James Dean met his end on September 30, 1955, as a result of driving recklessly along that same stretch of road.

My guess is that driver in the Gen II Durango will eventually end up the same way James Dean did over 50 years ago and that the world will be a safer (albeit, given the untold loss to the arts after Dean's death, not necessarily an otherwise better) place because of it.:flybye:
I think some people have to much testosterone and drive like idiots to show off. It is not worth it! :( I bet he thought his pipes sounded cool or something. It pisses me off when assholes drive like that, too. I am glad everyone made it out of there unscathed. :D It would have been a horrible ending to such a great day....

God Bless us all :dancing:
I like to consider myself to be a bad driver, but DAMN! Some people just want to be in front. They're not getting there sooner, just before "everyone else"...

A bastard like that hit my wife's car while trying to blow around her while making a left turn in an intersection. I was following behind them, so I saw everything from him coming out of the straight-line left lane, to him cutting her off and clipping her right front fender.

He threatened to sue us for making a "set-up" if we didn't tell our insurance to cover everything. WTF!?!:dontknow: I proceded to ask him, "So... you pretty much just drive, and when people get in YOUR way you just plow through them and sue them if something goes wrong?". It was already a heated discussion so he (mindlessly) agreed. "Well, then take that to court with you, okay?"

We never heard from him again, but his insurance did cover our damage...:D I hope he doesn't ever breed...
Wifey said:
I think some people have to much testosterone and drive like idiots to show off. It is not worth it! :( I bet he thought his pipes sounded cool or something. It pisses me off when assholes drive like that, too. I am glad everyone made it out of there unscathed. :D It would have been a horrible ending to such a great day....

God Bless us all :dancing:
Or maybe its Estrogen...ever think of that??:p ;)
KRAZYSRT10 said:
Or maybe its Estrogen...ever think of that??:p ;)
Those are the ones that drive 35 in the far left lane while talking on the phone, refreshing the makeup, smacking the overweight kids, swerving into the other lane while smacking the kids, clipping the car in the other lane, and "Watch where you're driving @$$hole! I've got a kid in the car!":D :D :D :D
KRAZYSRT10 said:
Or maybe its Estrogen...ever think of that??:p ;)
Nawwwwwwwwwww - of course not:D :p ;)

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