Rejex Coating

bbbwwwwahahahahahhahahaa ok , ya craps on the way, dont call if its squished:p

Thats better. :p
yessir, so far man I love it, I dont EVER wash the yota, and I know this is stupid nutts , but ran thru a big rainstorm on the way back from myrtle last week, and well it came clean like I had just washed it:confused:
I had a couple bug splats on the front bumper of the Jeep. Took it out in the rain yesterday and they are gone. Do you know how hard I would have had to scrub previously to get those bugs off? Even my wife is telling me how impressed she is with the Rejex. She keeps telling me how shiny and slick her Jeep is and how clean it's staying. She keeps bugging me to tire shine it so it looks complete.
thanks for all the orders guys:rock: I will have to check to be absolutly sure, I wasnt planning on folks ordering right off so I only ordered 12 to start,

so will call monday and hopefuly he can get me a better deal when I order for for stock, but thanks a ton guys, got all the orders, and will get them rolling monday for yuns:)
Damn Tony you been hiding in my mailbox??? I only ordered on Saturday and it just arrived! :D :D :D
LOLOL jsut dont look in your closet:aetsch:
You put some sheep in there didn't ya???
Ok i'm going out to wash down the CE in Dawn, then hit it with Rejex. :p I'll feed your sheep later:aetsch:
FastSRT19 said:
You put some sheep in there didn't ya???
Ok i'm going out to wash down the CE in Dawn, then hit it with Rejex. :p I'll feed your sheep later:aetsch:
:D :D :D :D let me know buddy, oh an dont stick your hand in the bottom drawer either:p
THIS STUFF IS THE SHIT! :rock: :rock: :rock:
After i washed the truck in dish soap to strip off all the wax the Rejex went on sooo easy and came off easy.:D Super slick stuff, i did the windows too. Going to go hit the chrome plated wheels now.

Thanks Tony!:elefant:
FastSRT19 said:
THIS STUFF IS THE SHIT! :rock: :rock: :rock:

FastSRT19 said:
THIS STUFF IS THE SHIT! :rock: :rock: :rock:
After i washed the truck in dish soap to strip off all the wax the Rejex went on sooo easy and came off easy.:D Super slick stuff, i did the windows too. Going to go hit the chrome plated wheels now.

Thanks Tony!:elefant:
IT IS EASY AINT IT!:elefant: :elefant:

and thanks for the link someone sent me earlier, I am a good $2 cheaper then most:rock: :rock: :rock:
fixing to order some more Rejex to keep in stock fellas, do ya'll suggest going back with the 12oz like we have? or order some of the larger `16oz bottles?