Replacement Bushings??


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Aug 29, 2008
Reaction score
Brandon Florida
Anyone know where I can get replacement control arm bushings for a06 QC?

I can't share since I'm not a vendor, don't want to get my dick slapped.
He's too busy sending PMs crying that I didn't hold his hand enough.
He's too busy sending PMs crying that I didn't hold his hand enough.
actually I don't recall " crying" I stated the following... " ALL OF WHICH IS FACT"

Originally Posted by THEWELSHM

I think your response to my question was piss poor at best. Probably why the forum is in such decline? While I don't know you I have been a member for some time, when a member used to request information one would accept the following...... constructive assistance or none. (None) Which seemed to be the case your wasted response was a waste of time to viewing members?
I fortunately reached out to reputable former vendor of this site through alternative sources and was successful in my endeavor.

Thanks for your lack of assistance

Paul / aka Thewelshm

again if this is a forum that when you ask for help you get this response?

"Well Paul, you can go fuck yourself.
Have a nice day! "

and then this?

If you feel it is in decline, leave permanently. You won't be missed.

Frankly I thought I was quite civil with my critique? I will let members make up their own mind:dontknow:

the forums are in decline because social media is the new forum. sad, but true...

i don't know what you guys have your panties in a wad over, but i just thought i'd share that about the forums. carry on.
This forum has been in a decline since it stopped having a moderator worth a shit to delete posts and trolls that Are no use to anyone. Simply a keyboard warrior with too much time on their hands so they post useless info and try to create drama.
Welshm if ya need anything else feel free to PM again bud.
This forum has been in a decline since it stopped having a moderator worth a shit to delete posts and trolls that Are no use to anyone. Simply a keyboard warrior with too much time on their hands so they post useless info and try to create drama.
Welshm if ya need anything else feel free to PM again bud.

Your little Internet world is so cute...Tell me more about how you think it should be...
wires and coils should be there today boss, I will have the bushings in Monday , and get them out to you Monday,sorry for the delay on them buddy, keep hamering that 200k mile pedal my friend:rock:
Many less children----just saying

And the fools start creaking out the wood work..
Funny you of all people would say that. You've more than shown your level of intelligence. Not to mention how much of a Christian you claim to be...
Your not even like a child, your just a joke.

Now if being a child consists of not paying for the garbage that your little Texas fuck buddie sells, fixing stuff the correct way and calling out him out for being such a hack...Then I guess I'm a child.

Or is it because I choose to do things myself? Now I could see spending money with an actual Vendor and getting quality stuff. We have good vendors on here like JTSVP and JMB. Real vendors with things like Web sites and people actually working for them.. I'm all for the small business owner. But you have to actually own a business and do business like things, not play pretend. You want to talk about being a child?

Let's hear some of your wonderful dribble!!

Or you Scottie boy, let's hear how great you are. I'm sure you will at the least find time out of your busy schedule to try and insult me. Your welcome for giving you something to do. Something your actually competent in.
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